Enslavement of Earth Citizens, Husbandry, and Sedentary Ways: All This Controlling Required the Changeover from Nomadic to Sedentary … Your Increasingly Sedentary Ways Is the Root of the Apocalypse We Face Today


“Driven by Your Crazed Brains, You Plucked Planetmates from Nature’s Perfect Blueprint and Set Us to Your Ends”: The Twelfth Prasad from The Planetmates — Enslavement of Earth Citizens … Interference in Fauna Empire


The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, The Twelfth Prasad: Husbandry and Sedentary Ways – Enslavement of Earth Citizens


Planetmates Release The Twelfth Prasad

Cow Leads at The Twelfth PrasadPlanetmates plucked from Nature’s perfect blueprint, set to your ends, driven by your brains crazed from early trauma.

Cow is First Consciousness at The Twelfth Prasad.

"[Y]our control of both Flora and Fauna in this way required the most drastic change in your way of life—one that would be the sole root of the apocalypse that we see looming before us all."

The Twelfth Prasad – Husbandry and Sedentary Ways

Incidentally, it was not long after this “conquering” of the Flora Empire that you began to extend your control over some Planetmates in exactly the same way. You captured, enslaved, and set their life cycles to fit yours. The who, what, when, where, and how of their lives were plucked from Nature’s perfect blueprint and set to your ends—the ends driven by your fear, obsession to control, and crazed, backwards, and overstimulated brains, borne of early trauma. No longer content merely to hunt Planetmates who were living their divinely ordained lives in the perfection of Nature, you corralled and kept them for any number of ends that you would choose, including, usually, their being killed and eaten, without having to hunt them first. However, your control of both Flora and Fauna in this way required the most drastic change in your way of life—one that would be the sole root of the apocalypse that we see looming before us all. For horticulture, and to some extent “herding” of planetmates, required the end of your nomadic lifestyles and the establishment of sedentary ones.

Video Commentary by SillyMickel Adzema

What follows is a video of a reading of The Twelfth Prasad, with commentary, elaboration, and context, by SillyMickel Adzema.

“The Twelfth Prasad” From The Great Reveal by The Planetmates – the audiocast

The link above takes you to the audio-only version of my commentary on The Twelfth Prasad, exactly as is in the video. Click on the link to go to the the audio site, or you can listen to it here using the audio player below.

Image of The 12th Prasad. “The Great Reveal” By The Planetmates: “Enslavement Of Earth Citizens”

Paraphrase/ Summary/ Abstract of “The Twelfth Prasad” — by SillyMickel Adzema

After you “conquered” the Flora Empire, you began “conquering” your fellow Planetmates of the Fauna Kingdom. Pumped up on the desperate desire to control, you captured, enslaved, and set the lifecycles of these independent Earth Citizens to ends that would suit only yourselves. The ones you enslaved were ripped from the perfect design of Nature; they were beaten into alien, schizophrenic molds, which were the products of human minds—themselves the product of early trauma—that were fearful, obsessesive about controlling, crazed, backwards thinking, and overstimulated. It was no longer enough to hunt Planetmates for food, you had the bright idea of owning and growing them, much as you’d done with the Earth-bound Planetmates, the Flora. So, you captured these Planetmates out of their perfect, divinely-ordained lives in Nature; and you kept, grew, raised, trained, ate their offspring, and often killed and ate them eventually, along with other ends of yours that you would dream up for them emanating out of your brains, which were overstimulated and at this point seeing much of the Fully Conscious Universe, Alive Universe around you as dead, including all matter, all the Flora Kingdom, all the Fauna Kingdom, and even your own kind who were not like you enough (those from other tribes/cultures; even those that were different in your own tribe/culture), even if it was just their age—infants and children were predominantly seen as things, not fully living or feeling, and as resources to be exploited or discarded at will. All of this controlling required the final changeover of your lifestyle from nomadic to sedentary. You needed to be in place to grow food, as least for the growing/harvesting season; but you needed to be sedentary the full year round in order to raise Fauna Planetmates. This final phase in your change from nomadic to sedentary lifestyles would be the one major root cause, in time, of the apocalypse that we see looming before us all today.

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Continue with The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, The Thirteenth Prasad: Breaking with Divinity, Resisting Divine Assistance

Return to The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, The Eleventh Prasad: “Agrarian Revolution” – Interference in Flora Empire

To Read the Entire Book … on-line, free at this time … Go to The Great Reveal from The Planetmates

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  1. #1 by Lisa Luv on September 18, 2013 - 12:37 pm

    Sharing this!!! Great!

    • #2 by sillymickel on November 28, 2013 - 9:13 pm

      thank you, Lisa 🙂

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