Ch 8 Creating an American Mind

Culture War, Class War, Chapter Eight:
Creating an American Mind

Creating an American Mind – The Fifty-Year Campaign to Gain Wealth and Advantage Through Totally Concocted Untruths

“Obvious Truths” — The History of the Republican’s Fifty-Year Campaign to Gain Wealth for Their Benefactors Through Totally Concocted Untruths

“Obvious Truths”

This series—“Obvious Truths”—delineates the history of the American Republican’s incredibly disciplined, relentlessly persistent, and amazingly cohesive–seemingly coordinated–nearly fifty-year campaign to gain advantage and wealth for their benefactor corporations and the “Filthy Rich,” through totally concocted untruths. These falsehoods were introduced carefully, slowly, and therefore invisibly, over time, one-by-one with persistent, relentless repetition replacing reason or rational persuasion; along with a coordinated campaign whose goal was the creation of an American Mind eroded of rationality and confused and made fertile and desperately receptive to these fabrications seamlessly portrayed as truths.

These “obvious truths” were employed together with an exact and strategic use of misinformation precisely targeted and measured for the achievement of specific ends. These were combined with their campaign to physically and financially weaken the American public through the simultaneous, and equally slow, meticulous, and perfectly coordinated introduction of policies, which though not invisible were cleverly packaged and perfectly timed to confuse the obvious step-by-step and year-by-year connections of these policies with their cumulative, increasingly successful results.

The intended goal was the castration of the power of all Americans except for the “filthy rich” and the Republican leadership, their lackeyed public faces. Coincident with this goal what was sought were the lessening of Americans’ power to act constructively to alleviate even their clearly felt and increasing suffering; the slow but comprehensive elimination of rational thought and ability to reason in the American Mind; and the creation of an American consciousness clouded and afog in confusion and thus forgetful of its past as a point of comparison.

What was desired was an American personality splintered and disintegrated and desperate for something however irrational to cling to. Along with such a fractured and weakened psyche, the campaign sought the dismantling of any solidarity of Americans on any large scale. They reasoned this disunity of purpose would be the natural consequence of the average person’s confused state and its inability to discern obvious aspects of reality which, otherwise and in times prior to the campaign, would have been obvious organizing principles giving rise to passionate resistance.

In the past, passionate engagement in action to change one’s circumstances could occur because of the former unconfused clarity in witnessing big events and pervasive, blatant, and universal patterns of change and making the obvious and easy correct interpretations. This clarity created conviction in one’s beliefs, rooted in first-hand observation. And in the past these convictions were reinforced virtually universally by the great majority of Americans, who also witnessed the obvious same things and made the apparent and doubtless interpretations that cried out from them.

In contrast to the former American personality, this campaign by an American, and increasingly global, elite worked to create an apathetic, neutered American easily manipulated to the ends of wealthy overseers.

Our Fifty-Year Invisible “Family” and Cracks in the Dome of Unreality – Creating an American Mind

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Creating an American Mind – Our Invisible “Family” and, Finally, the Cracks in the Dome of Unreality


Our Invisible “Family”

This reveals the fifty-year invisible family and community that surrounded all Americans and affected every aspect of their lives, including, and intentionally, the basic components of one’s personality, and the erosion of reason, Soul, and independent thought or action.

I explain how only because of increasingly cocky and greedy acts and extreme over-reaching “in broad daylight,” before the entire world, did this malevolent surround become visible. 317486_10150357184771862_526281861_8706445_629664980_nThese brutish and thievish over-reaches displayed an incredible disregard for, disrespect of, indeed, an actual literal inability of the “Filthy Rich” and their Republican puppets to SEE American People, who were the recipients of these attacks.

Together these reveals—displayed unintentionally however blatantly and unknowingly by the Republicans and the “Filthy Rich”… and before the entire world—disclosed to the masses of Americans some “cracks,” “stains,” or textures in the “dome” of unreality they’d existed in, which had made them blind to Reality itself, and had kept them in a near zombie-like dream reality.


9420665-man-sitting-on-chessboard-among-team-of-white-chess-pawns-3d-illustration307125_10150357188166862_526281861_8706488_1683852870_nAs this awakening continued, some began remembering events, the memories of which had been “bleached” out of awareness until just then, and then with remembering they realized how they’d been trained like animals their entire lives for the uses, whatever they’d be, of the “Filthy Rich,” and been trained then to forget that.


It is clear that the “filthy rich” had an absolute certainty of their success because of their unmitigated power. What is also evident is the absolute inability of the “Filthy Rich”…which was the shocking thing they’d carelessly let out and therefore displayed to the World…the absolute inability of the Republicans and the “Filthy Rich” to actually notice—let alone view or act towards—Americans as any thing even living or having sentient ability, let alone as humans, people, or individuals.


And as for the term “fellow Americans” often employed by Rich-publican politicos in addressing the masses, if that thought even crossed your mind for a second as being anything but a device, you are not fully appreciating just how literally I mean for my words to be taken. You may very well, in fact, be deeply dreaming and have missed the crack in the dream state that had shone the light in the eyes of a sufficiently large segment of the world population as to cause them to come out of trance and begin to untie their formerly invisible bonds, so that they could try looking around, which led to the realization of the reality that had been blocked from view, and the beginnings of investigations into the real truths of their existence, and to this series of expositions, among others, delineating the actual, formerly invisible profile of the actual actors in Americans’ lives and their processes of control, as well as the things in their lives that were determined for them by the “Filthies,” though ordinary folks thought they had been making decisions for themselves.


And the last aspects of this series delineates the real factors in our lives and the outlines of the real intentions for us these puppet masters have had, and have even now in mind.



The Power of Money to Persuade…When You Happen to Be Poor – Creating an American Mind and Personality


We Were More Likely to Question Authority When We Lived in Prosperous Times – Creating an American Mind and Personality


“The Rise and Fall of ‘Obvious Truths’” discusses the history of the American Republicans’ incredibly disciplined, relentlessly persistent, and amazingly cohesive, seemingly coordinated nearly fifty-year campaign to gain advantage and wealth for their benefactor corporations and the “filthy rich” through totally concocted untruths.


Changing the World?

This started when I was reading over another post I had made. The title was relevant, and it triggered this whole thing. The title was “On Cultural Change, Consciousness, and Music.” And I described it as so: “The perfect confluence of context, moment, and person makes history…Obama’s astonishing rise to the Presidency, for example. But the perfect alignment of a nation’s or world’s deep mood, the moment, and a musician or artist can change the world forever. For example, The Beatles.”


Times Weren’t Always Like This

After reading that, I imagined someone else viewing it, and I considered how chances are it would be someone younger than me-—for I am old enough. That is part of what this is about. I am old enough to have seen some things and I remember some things that people growing up in this day and age would have no conception of. Those more recently coming of age are used to a particular American setting somewhat different than the one I knew. Growing up in a particular context, naturally they would think that is the way things are and how they have to be; they could not know any differently.


“Obvious Truths” Is About How I Saw Things Change

I was born in 1950, so I am aware of other ways that America has been. This part of the book, on “Obvious Truths,” is a lot about how I saw things change. Specifically, I look at the changes in the way we view ourselves, our lives, and authority; I have yet to hear anyone else mention these kinds of changes.


But, Really, Change the World We Did

Getting back to that younger person reading that description, I imagined this other person seeing what I wrote about the Beatles and all that, about changing the world…changing the world! In the harsh light of their cold-hearted reality and the comfortable assuredness of their beliefs, I figured they would consider me naive, if not more. How could that person understand? But, really, change the world we did.

Music’s Power to Persuade

Addressing that younger person, I started writing, “If the title’s claim sounds silly or trite to you then you are operating out of a social prejudice we carry from childhood, particularly around status. And you haven’t stopped to evaluate and compare.” Now, I know that sounds kind of harsh, but it comes together you’ll see.

For one thing, leaders and politicians, even great ones, can only alter the course of events slowly and meticulously. Sweeping changes cannot happen by fiat as they depend on the people’s passionate involvement, which you cannot create. In the case of a dictatorship-—for example, Hitler’s Germany, or Kim “Big Little Man’s” North Korea of the present-—that passion might be faked, probably it would need to be faked. Still, even in a free society, politicians can only use words; and no matter how stirring those words, they can reach only so deep inside. It is with great difficulty that political leaders try to move the soul of a nation; most of that mood is untouchable to them.


Sergeant Pepper

Meanwhile music, in particular, more potently than any other art form, has the capacity to alter consciousness. I will explain that later; it is an area I have done a lot of study in. It is a part of my profession.

Anyway, music affects your feelings and so it affects your consciousness. So its effects will really stay with you more than words will. Music is a more powerful thing, and it has been used consciously to try to sway the spirits of humans ever since the times of shamans.

But music is a much more powerful thing when the perfect combination of mood, context, and music come together. If you think music is not so powerful then explain why music is required at virtually any social gathering…particularly, when there is involved any attempt to persuade the feelings of the attendees. Have you ever noticed that? What is truly shocking is how music can even be more powerful than vast piles of money put against it.

I said, can be. In talking about music’s power to persuade I am reminded of political rallies and such.


The Persuasive Power of Money … When You Happen to Be Poor

On the other side from the power of leaders’ words of inspiration, which is limited, of music’s more effective persuasions, and the potency of passion and heartfelt feeling naturally arising in people, consider the power of money. Money in the hands of the “filthy rich” is used in a variety of ways and obviously has tremendous persuasive powers of its own.

And here is what I am getting at: Money, as arrayed against music, passion, and social movements is especially more powerful in a situation where the people have been put in financial jeopardy because of the prosperity of the rich. As an aside, I remember a time in America’s past when people were more prosperous and confident about their abilities to manage their lives. I do not believe it is a coincidence that in those days money wielded by the wealthy had less power to persuade and people were less easily bought than today. It was said that people then were wont to question authority more than they were likely to bow down to it. I will get back to this later.

Anyway, these are the things I was thinking about when this started.

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“Obvious Truths” – The True Sounding Untruths – in the Creation of the American Mind


The True Sounding Untruths: Precise and Strategic Use of “Obvious Truths” in the Creation of the American Mind


The True Sounding Untruths. (Hell! It’s Obvious the Earth is Flat!)

imagesThen I started thinking about that: the “filthy rich,” specifically, the power of the “filthy rich” and their money. I began to consider it more deeply. Remember this is called the rise and fall of “obvious truths.” I was drawn to looking into those commonly accepted truisms-—truth-sounding but not true; let us call them “obvious truths.” Not true but sounding true: Think of how correct it must have sounded at one time to hear that the Earth is flat. So, an “obvious truth” is something unthinkingly accepted as true but is not actually true when thought about or looked into. I considered some of these errant habits of thinking and looked at where and why they arose and why they would take hold and have power despite having no foundation in reality.


Doing so, I came up with this description of “obvious truths” and the context birthing them:

These untruthy truisms arise out of the American Republicans’ disciplined, relentless, persistent, cohesive fifty-year campaign to gain advantage and wealth for their benefactor corporations and the “filthy rich” through totally concocted untruths, which are introduced carefully, slowly and therefore invisibly, over time….

brainwashing - Copy

Just accept my word for it for now; I will explain….

These untruths are introduced carefully, slowly and therefore invisibly, over time, one by one, with persistent, relentless repetition replacing reason or rational persuasion, as part of a coordinated comprehensive campaign whose goal is the creation of an American mind eroded of rationality and confused and made fertile and desperately receptive to these fabrications of the Republicans seamlessly portrayed as truths.

Precise and Strategic Use of “Obvious Truths” in the Creation of the American Mind

I know this is sounding pretty wild. But, you’ll see. Hang in there and see if I can support it. As I was explaining,

Their Goal

The Republicans’ goal, to be precisely and inexorably attained, is the creation of an American mind eroded of rationality and confused. And this mind is to be shepherded by the exact and strategic use of misinformation specifically targeted and measured for the achievement of specific ends. This seeding of minds is to work dialectically with their campaign to physically and financially weaken the American public with the simultaneous and equally slow and meticulous and precisely timed introduction of policies….

I said, I can support this….


Their Means

This introduction of policies, which though not invisible are cleverly packaged, is to be perfectly timed to confuse the obvious step-by-step, year-by-year connections of these policies and their cumulative increasingly successful results.

Now, again, bear with me….

Their Intended Results

These results are the castration of the American…of Americans in general–except for the “filthy rich” and the Republican leadership which are their lackey public faces. So, the intent of this long campaign, employing “obvious truths” as munitions, is the crippling of Americans’ power in particular to resist even the inexorable increase in the clearly felt suffering heaped upon them as these years went by.

I’ll give you a hint, alright? I remember living in a time that was not so economically depressed. I watched it slowly get worse, and worse, and worse; and I saw people suffering more, and more, and more, ok? But I did not hear people complaining more, and more, and more. That’s a hint.

Their Vision

Ok, so what we have is Americans’ power monkey wrenched through policies directed at them and sustained by “obvious truths” pushed by Republicans whose purpose is to diminish people, to reduce their power, and ultimately to bring them down financially while raising the wealthies higher.

Recipe for The Matrix: Misinformation, Repetition, Impoverishment


Recipe for The Matrix: Reduce Financial Resources, Add Copious Amounts Misinformation, Repeat (Endlessly)

Weaving the Matrix

Getting back to the truisms themselves, remember, as I said, these totally concocted untruths are designed to be surreptitiously introduced-—carefully, slowly and therefore invisibly over time-—one-by-one. They are to be planted through persistent relentless repetition, not by rational persuasion, and are intended to replace reason and independent thought.


media-matters-misinformationThey are meant to do their work within an invisible matrix as part of a coordinated campaign whose purpose is the construction of an American mind lacking in its ability to reason and confused. Lastly, this mind is to be made fertile and desperately receptive to these fabrications seamlessly portrayed as truths through the exact and strategic use of misinformation precisely targeted and measured for the achievement of specific ends.

Peasants for Plutocracy by Michael Dal Cerro

Alright? I said bear with me, I’ll be able to give you some examples of this…or I’ll make a fool out of myself, that’ll be your choice…

These specific objectives are also to be brought to fruition through a massively funded, all inclusive, and strategically targeted campaign to financially weaken the American public through incremental changes in national fiscal policy as well as-—note this-—in national culture. National policy changes are to be achieved through the simultaneous and equally slow meticulous and precisely timed introduction of policy initiatives. Though these national initiatives could not be invisible, they are to be cleverly packaged as well as sneakily introduced and are to be perfectly timed to confuse the obvious step-by-step, year-by-year connections of these policies and their cumulative, increasingly successful results.


Ok? I’ll get into the policies, soon. But I am starting with a conclusive statement, and it might seem over the top. You may think it too bold, but I think I can back it up.

Again, those sought for results include the emasculation of the average American through sabotage of her or his powers to act in an effective way in any and all aspects of their lives. To be achieved at the same time is the fortification of the power and wealth of the filthy rich puppeteers and their lackey public faces in the Republican Party.

Instrumental in strengthening the wealthy class of insidious directors is the weakening of the remainder of the population’s abilities. And in particular and ultimately the intention is to cobble the ordinary person’s power to get out from under or to alleviate for very long the inexorable increase in their clearly felt suffering as the years go by. For this suffering and the helplessness about it is crucial to the directors’ success.


Bear with me…

The Creation of Confusion, The Stifling of Conviction and Thus Passion: Making America’s Matrix

Making the Matrix in America: The Creation of Confusion, The Stifling of Conviction and Thus Passion


The Creation of Confusion, The Stifling of Conviction and Thus Passion

Now, the key to all this being brought about is the creation of an American consciousness clouded in fog and confusion and thus forgetful of its past as a point of comparison. In this way splintered…we’re talking about the American mind…splintered, and disintegrated it is desperate for something however irrational to cling to.

boehner_cantor_mcconnell_f0805Along with or coincident with the orchestration of the American mind was the dismantling of any solidarity of Americans on any large scale. This follows, because of the confused state that the average American would normally have and its inability—the person’s inability or the American mind’s inability—to discern obvious aspects of reality and distortions of it (lies) which in times prior would have provided obvious organizing standards around which would be passionate resistance. This is what could and would happen in times previous to the Republicans’ campaign.


For example, I went through a time where people would go into the streets and there were people who complained. Recently we’ve talked about Bush…there’s a book out about how Bush actually created a dictatorship during his eight years.

It’s amazing to me that we all knew that, the corruption was so rampant it was like on a daily basis we were hearing things that in a former time—the Sixties, the Fifties, anytime—would have caused Bush to be tossed out on his ear. This time, somehow, it’s like there was nobody in the streets. People went about their lives as if ignoring what was going on … Ok, so there I’m giving you a taste, alright? anyway…


So, I said that in a previous time there would have been passionate, a passionate response. Now I say it’s passionate because of the former unconfused minds’ clarity in witnessing big events and pervasive, blatant universal patterns of change and making the obvious and easy correct interpretations. So what I’m saying is clarity of thought creates sureness of action and sureness of one’s feelings, whereas confused minds lends itself to apathy or misguided self-destructive acts. In just a bit I’ll get into how these minds get confused and I think you’ll begin to see some of those things inside of yourself because I think we’re all feeling some of it.


snowballAnyway, so this clarity, of seeing these things happening, created conviction in one’s belief which was rooted in first-hand observation. I have in other parts shared some of my first-hand observations of events, especially those happening in my formative years. The conviction of my thinking is rooted in such events.

At the time, I also experienced much confirmation and affirmation of my views on these events. So, in general, in times previous to the one we’re in, this clarity and conviction born of first-hand observation was reinforced virtually universally by the great majority of Americans around them who also witnessed the obvious same things and made the apparent and doubtless interpretations that cried out from them.

An example, ok. America once had a president who was much despised, though he was actually not as bad as Bush. But the American people were unfettered in their feelings about this president’s actions, and their refusal to put up with his despicable acts caused Nixon to resign.

So, first off, we have former American minds capable of seeing obvious wrongness, injustice, illegality, untruth, deception, or worse. In our example, this might be the the suffering and/or death of innocent young men or the unspeakable horror being inflicted on the bystanding innocents in the conflict they are engaged in.

Once with clarity seeing, then about it gathering with great conviction—undoubting and unconfused conviction—and passion in large numbers and in solidarity and sameness of purpose to right these obvious wrongs, or their like.

It all starts with clearly identifiable rallying points in obvious view of the great masses of Americans, however.

Too many people are unaware or forget that there was a great union movement in America, there was a great antiwar movement in the country… ok? You don’t see much of that action these days. So, this is what I’m getting to, there’s been a change.

So when these great masses of American were clearly in solidarity about things they saw were obviously wrong they effected change. Think about it. Go back to the Depression. People knew they were poor and they put Roosevelt in power. Ok? They did something about it.

Anyway, so in times past you might have this clarity of what’s wrong and of your own suffering around it. You are not confused about blatant happenings in the reality around you. And the people around you, they see it as well. And they confirm it in you. Then you’re pretty sure what the heck’s going on. I mean it’s hard to deny your own reality. But it’s even harder to deny it when other people see it too, and they’re experiencing the same thing. [Footnote 1]


The Media’s Capacity to Confirm, Or Deny…Any Wonder Why Americans Are So Confused, or Dumb?


Wonder why Americans Are So Confused, or Dumb?
The Media’s Capacity to Confirm, Or Deny…


We have former American minds capable of seeing obvious wrongness, injustice, illegality, untruth, deception, or worse:aa-GOP-cartoon-lies-crimes-and-treason Once with clarity seeing, then about it gathering with great conviction—undoubting and unconfused conviction—and passion in large numbers and in solidarity and sameness of purpose to right these obvious wrongs, or their like. The examples I gave were the union, antiwar, suffragette, and civil rights movements; we could add the Revolutionary War itself and the abolitionist movement. And I mentioned how people rose up for a New Deal and elected Roosevelt during the Great Depression and how Nixon was hounded out of office, yet Bush the Dubya’s crimes—far worse, including “dictatorship”—were not enough even to bring people out into the streets.


It all starts with clearly identifiable rallying points in obvious view of the great masses of Americans, however. In times past you might have this clarity of what’s wrong and of your own suffering around it. You are not confused about blatant happenings in the reality around you. And the people around you, they see it as well. And they confirm it in you. Then you’re pretty sure what the heck’s going on. I mean it’s hard to deny your own reality. But it’s even harder to deny it when other people see it too, and they’re experiencing the same thing.


The Media’s Capacity to Confirm, Or Deny

But what if the media is saying that it ain’t happening? Does that said familiar? At all? It ain’t happening? How about an economic collapse that began years before anybody publicly mentioned it. I remember at the time it was being called a “goldilocks” economy. Yep, not happening. Right now I’m not going to say a lot about this as it will appear in a big way beginning with Chapter Seventeen.


So anyway, in former times, though, people came together in solidarity and sameness of purpose to right obvious wrongs, or the like. They had clearly identifiable rallying points visible to the great masses of Americans. These things were talked about in the newspapers, on TV, there was no denying what was obvious.

Now, with solidarity of purpose… and this is the important part…solidarity of purpose, with Americans united, feeling the same way, wanting change, their feelings were powerful and so significantly altered major events.

392763_316505275028930_282370021775789_1344329_233053393_n You even see that recently. We have a Democrat, Obama, elected to the presidency of the United States. But, look what it took: eight long years of Bush! Wow.

So anyway, solidarity of purpose gives ordinary people combined strength equal or greater to that of the “filthy rich.” The “filthy rich” are the would-be puppet-masters, the deciders and initiators of the events that have been witnessed so widely, including by the masses. These egregious acts, happenings, or developments brought the masses together in singleness of purpose to decry the source of the wrongs. Crucially, they needed to know the perpetrators of unhappy happenings; it needed to be clearly pointed out who were those responsible for the wrongs universally observed and condemned.Acorn-behind-OWS-what-now-376

These things known, the result could be the massive gathering of intentions, a movement, perhaps a great social movement, united in purpose, against the observed wrong, seeking justice on the perpetrators and some sort of social or cultural change that might possibly or would definitely prevent future events of the same or similar sort of wrongness.

Now, these things did happen in America, folks. Not long ago in historical time but before our day in America food used to come out from corporations and got people sick or dead. So Americans created a Food and Drug Administration to remedy that. People created a government entity to represent them as a counterweight against the power of the corporations.

Why did this happen? It was because people were pissed, and it was because it was obvious what was going on.

But when things aren’t obvious and you have massive lies being told and you have comprehensive, pervasive media exposure to those lies—those untruths in direct conflict with people’s own observations—people can get confused. Confused, people’s power gets dissipated.


So I’ve kind of told you part of it, haven’t I? I just felt I was giving you too much and without any grounding.


Now let’s take a look at how the minute daily elements of our American way of life were orchestrated for ends not our own.

Continue with Culture War, Class War, Chapter Nine: Creating an American Life

Return to Culture War, Class War Chapter Seven: Cultural Rebirth, Aborted


1. On how people are made confused, intentionally, so they can be used for the profits of others, at EXTREME, dire cost to themselves.

This is a fantastic video. I encourage everyone to wait for it to get past the cigarette stuff at the beginning. That is only used to make a much bigger, more profound point a little further in..

This is actually about climate change…and what they are doing to confuse people about it, which will end up killing billions at least, if not all life on this planet, imo. (is that important enough for ya?)

The Rise and Fall of “Obvious Truths,” Part One
an Audio Reading by SillyMickel Adzema

Here is an audio of the author’s impassioned reading of this part. Though it is of the first, unedited and unpolished version, and it does not contain all the detail of its current form below, it does capture the flavor of it all. I offer it here for your listening pleasure. For the reading of this part, “The Rise and Fall of ‘Obvious Truths,’ Part One,” click on the link to the audio site above or click the link below for and audio audio player.

Continue with Culture War, Class War, Chapter Nine: Creating an American Life

Return to Culture War, Class War Chapter Seven: Cultural Rebirth, Aborted

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  1. The King’s Gotta Die Sometime! Dangers and Prospects, Zombie Apocalypse vs the WWW « Culture War, Class War
  2. The King’s Gotta Die Sometime! Dangers and Prospects, Zombie Apocalypse vs the WWW « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  3. Zombie Apocalypse vs the WWW, Dangers and Prospects in the Post-WWII Gen World… The King’s Gotta Die Sometime! | Apocalypse – NO!
  4. Zombie Apocalypse vs the WWW, Dangers and Prospects in the Post-WWII Gen World… The King’s Gotta Die Sometime! | Becoming Authentic
  5. Our Fifty-Year Invisible "Family" and Cracks in the Dome of Unreality – Creating an American Mind « Culture War, Class War
  6. Creating an American Mind – The Fifty-Year Campaign to Gain Wealth and Advantage Through Totally Concocted Untruths « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  7. Creating “Obvious Truths” – The Fifty-Year Campaign to Gain Wealth and Advantage Through Totally Concocted Untruths | Becoming Authentic
  8. Designing the American Mind – The Fifty-Year Campaign to Gain Wealth and Advantage Through Totally Concocted Untruths | Apocalypse – NO!
  9. American Mind-Designers: Our Fifty-Year Invisible “Family” and, Finally, the Cracks in Our Dome of Unreality | Becoming Authentic
  10. American Mind-Designers: Our Fifty-Year Invisible “Family” and, Finally, the Cracks in Our Dome of Unreality | Apocalypse – NO!
  11. The Mind Designers and Cracks in the Dome of Unreality – Our Invisible “Family” « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  12. The Power of Money to Persuade…When You Happen to Be Poor – Creating an American Mind and Personality « Culture War, Class War
  13. The Power of Money to Persuade…When You Happen to Be Poor – Creating an American Mind and Personality « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  14. Creating an American Mind and Personality: The Power of Money to Persuade…When You Happen to Be Poor « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  15. Creating an American Mind and Personality: The Power of Money to Persuade…When You Happen to Be Poor | Apocalypse – NO!
  16. Creating an American Mind and Personality: The Power of Money to Persuade…When You Happen to Be Poor | Becoming Authentic
  17. “Obvious Truths” – The True Sounding Untruths – in the Creation of the American Mind « Culture War, Class War
  18. “Obvious Truths” – The True-Sounding Untruths – in the Creation of the American Mind « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  19. “Obvious Truths” – The True Sounding Untruths – in the Creation of the American Mind | Apocalypse – NO!
  20. “Obvious Truths” – The True Sounding Untruths – in the Creation of the American Mind | Becoming Authentic
  21. “Obvious Truths” – The True Sounding Untruths – in the Creation of the American Mind « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  22. Recipe for The Matrix: Reduce Financial Resources, Add Copious Amounts Misinformation, Repeat (Endlessly)) | Apocalypse – NO!
  23. Recipe for The Matrix: Reduce Financial Resources, Add Copious Amounts Misinformation, Repeat (Endlessly)) « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  24. Recipe for The Matrix: Reduce Financial Resources, Add Copious Amounts Misinformation, Repeat (Endlessly)) | Becoming Authentic
  25. Recipe for The Matrix: Misinformation, Repetition, Impoverishment « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  26. The Creation of Confusion, The Stifling of Conviction and Thus Passion: Making America’s Matrix « Culture War, Class War
  27. Making America’s Matrix: Creating Confusion, Disrupting Conviction, Suppressing Passion « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  28. Making America’s Matrix: Creating Confusion, Disrupting Conviction, Suppressing Passion | Becoming Authentic
  29. Making America’s Matrix: Creating Confusion, Disrupting Conviction, Suppressing Passion | Apocalypse – NO!
  30. The Creation of Confusion, The Stifling of Conviction and Thus Passion: Making America’s Matrix « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  31. Cool Hand Gipper (The Great Hustle) and What the 1% Would Still Have of Us: Context of The American Awakening « Culture War, Class War
  32. Cool Hand Gipper (The Great Hustle) and What the 1% Would Still Have of Us: Context of The American Awakening « The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates
  33. The Great American About Face, Part Three: American Awakening and Cool Hand Gipper—“Obvious Truths,” an Overview | Apocalypse – NO!
  34. Context of The American Awakening: Cool Hand Gipper (The Great Hustle) and What the 1% Would Still Have of Us | Becoming Authentic
  35. American Awakening and Cool Hand Gipper—“Obvious Truths,” an Overview: The Great American About Face, Part Three « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  36. American Awakening and Cool Hand Gipper—“Obvious Truths,” an Overview: The Great American About Face, Part Three | Apocalypse – NO!
  37. American Awakening and Cool Hand Gipper—“Obvious Truths,” an Overview: The Great American About Face, Part Three | Becoming Authentic
  38. America Since Its “Pleasantville” Fifties: Cultural Rebirth Aborted, Changing of the Guard Denied, The Elders on Life Support, and the Abomination Fills the Land « Culture War, Class War
  39. Creating a (Not So) American Life: Stolen Elections, Crazy-Making Social Processes, and Your Mind Made Fertile for the Planting of Lies … The Rise of “Obvious Truths” « Culture War, Class War
  40. Context of The American Awakening – The Great American About Face: Cool Hand Gipper (The Great Hustle) and What the 1% Would Still Have of Us: « Culture War, Class War
  41. America Since Its “Pleasantville” Fifties: Cultural Rebirth Aborted, Changing of the Guard Denied, The Elders on Life Support, and the Abomination Fills the Land | Apocalypse – NO!
  42. America Since “Pleasantville” Fifties: Cultural Rebirth Aborted, Changing of Guard Denied, Elders on Life Support, and Abomination Fills the Land « The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates
  43. Cultural Rebirth Aborted, Changing of the Guard Denied, The Elders on Life Support, and the Abomination Fills the Land: America Since Its “Pleasantville” Fifties | Becoming Authentic
  44. Cultural Rebirth Aborted: America Since Its “Pleasantville” Fifties – Changing of the Guard Denied, The Elders on Life Support, and the Abomination Fills the Land « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  45. Creating a (Not So) American Life: Stolen Elections, Crazy-Making Social Processes, and Your Mind Made Fertile for the Planting of Lies … The Rise of “Obvious Truths” | Apocalypse – NO!
  46. The Rise of “Obvious Truths” … Creating a (Not So) American Life: Stolen Elections, Crazy-Making Social Processes, and Your Mind Made Fertile for the Planting of Lies « The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates
  47. Crazy-Making Social Processes, Stolen Elections, and Your Mind Made Fertile for Planting Lies … The Rise of “Obvious Truths” in Creating a (Not So) American Life | Becoming Authentic
  48. Abomination Fills the Land. America Since Its “Pleasantville” Fifties: Cultural Rebirth Aborted, Changing of the Guard Denied, and The Elders on Life Support | Becoming Authentic
  49. Abomination Fills the Land. America Since Its “Pleasantville” Fifties: Cultural Rebirth Aborted, Changing of the Guard Denied, and The Elders on Life Support « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  50. Abomination Fills the Land. America Since Its “Pleasantville” Fifties: Cultural Rebirth Aborted, Changing of the Guard Denied, and The Elders on Life Support | Apocalypse – NO!
  51. Stolen Elections, Crazy-Making Social Processes, and Your Mind Made Fertile for the Planting of Lies: Creating a (Not So) American Life « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  52. Context of The American Awakening – The Great American About Face: Cool Hand Gipper (The Great Hustle) and What the 1% Would Still Have of Us | Apocalypse – NO!
  53. Cool Hand Gipper (The Great Hustle) and What the 1% Would Still Have of Us: The Great American About Face – Context of The American Awakening « The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates
  54. The Great American About Face: Context of The American Awakening – Cool Hand Gipper (The Great Hustle) and What the 1% Would Still Have of Us | Becoming Authentic
  55. The Great Hustle (Cool Hand Gipper): Context of The American Awakening and What the 1% Would Still Have of Us « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  56. Cool Hand Gipper (The Great Hustle) and What the 1% Would Still Have of Us: Context of The American Awakening | Becoming Authentic
  57. Cool Hand Gipper (The Great Hustle) and What the 1% Would Still Have of Us: Context of The American Awakening « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things
  58. Cool Hand Gipper (The Great Hustle) and What the 1% Would Still Have of Us: Context of The American Awakening | Apocalypse – NO!
  59. Passion Versus Power, People vs. Corporations, Internet vs. Matrix: Democrats Are Also for Special Interests … After They’ve Convinced You YOU Are One « Culture War, Class War
  60. Creating a (Not So) American Life, Part 6: Obvious “Truth” – Democrats and Republicans Are Equal? Internet Versus Matrix, and Magical Republicans « The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates
  61. Internet Versus Matrix, and Magical Republicans? Creating a (Not So) American Life, Part 6 « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things

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