Prenatal Hunger Games and “Blood Wars”: The Fetal Fight About “Pure Blood” We Act Out in Politics, War, and Oppression … Class War, Culture War, Revolution….

Prenatal Oxygen Hunger and Its Social and Political Imprints: Fetal Roots of Greed, Bigotry, Sycophancy, and Conservatism … Racism, Anti-Semitism, Vampirism….

Wounded Deer and Centaurs, Chapter Eight: The Prenatal Hunger Games: Fetal Malnutrition—Class and Culture Wars

Hunger Games: Prenatal Oxygen Hunger and Its Political Imprints – Greed, Oppression, Sycophancy, Class War, Revolution


Fetal Malnutrition and Politics: Prenatal Roots of Greed, Sycophancy, Class War, and Revolution


Prenatal Roots of War

In a previous section I mentioned how our human tendency to warring has its roots in the uncomfortable crowdedness we experience in the late stages of gestation—a pain and trauma that stays with us for life and drives us to act it out in trying to push back lines and make more room (womb) for ourselves in many areas of our lives, including politically. I said our psychological state preceding wars, in line with deMause’s work in this area, is akin to feeling stifled and wanting to “breathe free.”


Hunger Games – War and Aggression

Can’t Move

the_return_of_starve_the_beast_nonsense-460x307So of course our aggressions against others are connected to the long period of difficult immovability in the womb, but we can already see it is related to the destruction_by_love_by_alexgrosethreduction of oxygen at that time as well.

Looking into the feelings of latent oxygen panic rooted in fetal oxygen hunger, upper-class-warfarewe see it has many more political implications, even, than war and aggressions toward others over space…over lines and perimeters and rooted in the feelings of being hemmed in—that constellation of “crowded” feelings I’ve previously teased out.

Can’t Breathe

In the “gasping” or oxygen deprivation trauma of late stage gestation, we can’t get enough oxygen, we Tahrir Square, Day 16feel suffocated…suppressed, stifled, repressed, oppressed. It is out of these feelings carried over and restimulated again and again as adults that we create class wars, revolution, and culture wars. For we feel there to be an oppressive force inhibiting our self-expression, keeping us from “breathing freely.”


Hunger Games — Greed and Oppression


Mitt_Romney_Corporations_Are_PeopleBut more: On the other side of those panicky feelings of suffocation we are driven to gobbling up more resources than we need—greed. We experienced oxygen poverty in the womb, so poverty and reductions in finances feel stifling and suffocating. It is less desirable to not have money, of course. My point is that this prospect drives us to overreact and build our lives around major act outs of it, as so:


Suppression, Oppression, “Sucking” From

qwthdgwry5y6p'u(1) Being politically oppressed, we feel we can’t move freely (the crowded feeling), but, interestingly, we feel we can’t “breathe freely.” We act this out on both sides of class war and revolution: hunger-games-suckingfromthemassesOne side always feels this lack because it has roots in the unconscious and cannot be satisfied dark-evil-41694and so over overcompensates and in doing so “sucks” up all possible resources (oxygen) from those lower on the totem pole…it “suppresses” the “masses”…it “sucks from” the masses.



Liberals hearts may “bleed” but not conservatives. For releasing blood is losing oxygen and conservatives have a prenatal “knowing” that you need every smidgen you can get to survive. You may even go so far as to try to “squeeze blood from a stone” (the aging placenta).


Sycophancy, Conformity, “Sucking Up”

Corporate control Fuedelism(2) From another side of this discomfort we have a prenatal sycophancy showing itself. Conforming underlings, in a country’s economic array, act out their prenatal oxygen panic by investing all their energy in georgebushjohnmccainhugging“sucking up” to those above them … seeking to insure a steady supply of resources (money, oxygen) by sucking from the rich stream (blood stream) of money “circulating” among those on rungs above them on the economic ladder.


Suffocation, Starvation, Being “Sucked” From

Wisconsin-labor-unions460(3) And the other component in this political triangle—those poor and working class directly opposed to the greedy forces “sucking up” from the masses—feels this suppression as Wall Street Protestsuffocation, starvation, and stifling unto death. So it wants to “overthrow” or “throw off” the forces weighing down upon and suppressing/suffocating them.


Basically, if you’re not “sucking” resources (oxygen) from below, you are either “sucking up” to those above you or being “sucked from” and wanting to “overthrow” them to “breathe more freely.”


Hunger Games — Freedom and Revolutionaries

Injustice, Inequity, Struggle – Throwing Off

article-0-0E43738500000578-234_634x421This does not mean that revolutionary forces are act outs of early trauma and not real. It does not mean that oppression does not actually exist; it does not mean that struggles for economic justice are overcompensations. No.filesphp It is no more true that these are unreal than that struggles to save the environment are act outs.bham12a For we must remember that the prenatal forces drive us to actually manifest conditions that re-create our womb states. And just as we are driven to despoil our air and waters as act outs of our fetal malnutrition, so also our fetal oxygen panic causes us to create situations of dire inequity by pushing unnecessary greedy acts creating gross economic injustice. koch_crooksliarsAnd these greedy forces are aided in their suppression by their sycophantic underlings, driven by their underlying panic of resource loss. Between the two, our fetal oxygen panic causes us to create situations of dire inequity by pushing unnecessary greedy acts creating gross economic injustice.


Free Speech – Stifled, Inspire, Expire, Express…To Breathe Free

FREE SPEECH PIKEInteresting aspects of this oppression-revolution dynamic rooted in the fetal dynamic is the focus on free speech: The one side wants to suppress expression (expiration—release of air) of inspiration (to inspire—to take in air), free-speech-2thus directly slowing down the masses’ political equivalent of breathing, “stifling” its expression (its ability to “breathe out”). The revolutionary side of this wants the opposite: Folks want freedom of speech. They want to be able to speak freely (breathe freely), to be inspired (take in air or spirit), and to express this uninhibitedly (expire, let air out). These same martin_luther_king3dynamics apply to freedom of religion as well.

The oppressed masses feel they are deprived, can’t get enough of what they need (oxygen), want to “breathe freely,” and so need to assert self-expression, to expire (express) one’s inspiration freely as part of that “struggle.”

Hunger Games — Sycophancy and Conservatism

Reactionary and Conservative Thinking = Prenatal Conformity – Don’t Move Too Much, Don’t Stand Out, Maybe You’ll Get More (Oxygen)

corporate-greedBut the basic dynamic is about resources: One side out of oxygen panic wants to suck up resources from everywhere around and wants to keep those resources from others.dtydjtstrgtuytr And the other side wants to take theirs back. And that third part is the conforming fetus hoping to get more resources from “above”…to “suck up”…by not moving too much, x435by staying compliant with outside forces, by not being too obvious or “standing out,” and if moving to do so only in ways remembered as safe…strictly prescribed, ritualistic ways.mass (2)

For our prenatal memory tells us that doing so is the way of getting a little more in the way of resources (oxygen). We experienced that by not struggling, by not moving around too much…and further complicating and constricting the blood flow through the arteries to the placenta (the bank)…more oxygen (money) seemed to flow. Also, by not moving too much, by “conserving” our energy, “holding our breath” as it were, we might be able to survive…that being too “radical” and free risked death.







Hunger Games — Culture War

Oppressors Orchestrate a Panicked Population for Their Profits


One final aspect to this prenatal dynamic acted out politically is the culture war that comes of it:sitIn The greedy forces manipulate the latent panic of the masses in order to suck more resources by telling each segment of the masses that another sector of the population is actually the part that is sucking all their resources,agwertetyerito stealing all their benefits and money (oxygen). So we have the creation of minorities and scapegoats out of this interplay. deathpowder22But the reason it happens unerringly in societies is because it works so well. And it works so well because the forces of manipulation are orchestrating powerful drives and forces within the masses—tendencies of people born of desperation and panic, which have roots in the earliest months of one’s individual existence.


Next: Hunger Games — Human Rights and Racism

More Mass Manipulation Around Bigotry and Anti-Semitism … Vampires and Blood Libel, Too

15941667168737390139tb-racist-fiftiesIn the next section we look more deeply into this manipulation of the masses, this scapegoating of minorities. We see how racism, bigotry, and anti-Semitism are themselves constructed out of prenatal pushes and pulls. Eichmann-jew_1875209iWe find out why we look at Ku-Klux-Klanothers the way we do, so that our errant ideas can be further used against us by the greedy ones. And we stumble upon the underpinnings of some of the most curious of human concoctions of thought—as in the ideas of vampires and blood libel.

sitin (2)

Hunger Games – Vampires and Culture Wars … Fetal Roots of Racism, Bigotry, Anti-Semitism … Blood Libel


Fetal Malnutrition and Racism/Culture War: Prenatal Roots of Bigotry, Vampirism, Anti-Semitism … Blood Libel


We Needed “Fresh” Blood to Stay Alive, to Breathe

stock-photo-man-in-horror-fighting-for-life-choking-and-suffocating-in-plastic-19699255matrix-pod (2)The driving force of this adult behavioral complex is the oxygen deprivation we experienced as prenates during late gestation. This lack involved feelings of desperate suffocation … oxygen starvation …panic … fear of imminent death. Our lives were dependent on getting enough rich blood—blood that was full of oxygen and nutrients…”rich” and “pure.”


So We Wish to Suck Blood (Vampirism), and We Fear Others Are Sucking Ours (Bigotry, Racism, Anti-Semitism)

There are two parts to this complex—wanting more for ourselves and fearing that others will take that which we have. In the section above I discussed how we act out both sides of that politically and in the framework of class war, with one side wanting—indeed, needing—more (deprivation) and the other side “sucking” up all available resources out of fear of the other getting any of what they’re hoarding (greed, causing deprivation in others, class war). Let us deal with each of these in turn and see how they relate to ideas of racism, bigotry, vampirism, and blood libel.


Hunger Game — Vampirism

Because of fetal malnutrition, humans feel they are lacking in air and room and are starving for oxygen and they desire “fresh blood.” More than that, we feel that this desire is connected with our survival: For it was: We needed “pure blood”…or blood with a least the minimal amount of oxygen…to stay alive as fetuses.


Because as prenates we are starved for oxygen and experience the blood we receive to be deficient in providing it, we crave “rich” blood—blood that is full with oxygen and nutrients.


Ideas of vampires and werewolves—beings that need to “suck” on the blood of others in order to live…who “crave” rich blood—come of such unconscious memories of deprivation.


remakenosferatuVampires and Dracula “suck” others blood and in doing so make the victims just like themselves—needing to feed on the blood of others forevermore. In this idea, are we not saying that we wish to suck the blood of the009xuu-20261184 Other … the Mother … so that we might live? And even that we will live forever if we continue to do so, as no doubt the fetus feels it needs oxygen-rich blood to live…without which it will die…getting which it will continue living on (forever as far as a fetus feels/knows).


opening-of-vampire-coffinNotice other aspects of this vampirism symbology: Count Dracula lives in a coffin (womb symbol) and always in the dark, as was the case in the womb. vampirecatchesfireexposedtodaylightConsider also that the vampire/ dracula will die if exposed to the light. Does not the fetus die to the womb state at the time of exposure to light…in other words, at birth? vampirediesinsunlightcrpdThis shows how we remember our time of oxygen (blood) desperation coming to an end at birth: It is the end of living a hellish existence where one is fed by blood in the dark. Birth is a state where one lives in the light and breathes air in an environment where one can move freely, thus the other state is left behind or “dies” upon exposure to the light.



tarmanVampires and werewolves will decompose and die if exposed to light, that is, if they are caught out in daylight: Backing up to political aspects of this, think of the greedy ones of society and their fear that if they are exposed…to the media…they will die.4585093038_0406fc4133_m So they must suppress the media, at all costs; and they must keep the “light of day” from ever detecting them…the media “shining” its “light” on them. So, the greed in them has them “sucking others dry,” but they fear that if they do it “in broad daylight,” they will be caught “red-handed” (more blood), and it it will be “curtains” for them.


The Hunger Games — Bigotry, Racism

Greed Hunger Game

They’re Leeches. They’re Sapping Our “Life Blood”!

imagesThis feared Other is seen to be stealing jobs, benefits, and resources—“oxygen”—which we need ourselves…for “real” Americans, Germans…in other words “pure blooded” ones. We say immigrants are taking all the jobs (we have no money or fuel…nutrients to a fetus…to live, move freely), using up all our resources (oxygen and nutrients for the fetus), being a “burden” (pushing down on the arteries to the placenta which feed the fetus) on the system (cardiovascular one bringing oxygen to fetus). The Germans had similar feelings about Jews.

Bigotry Hunger Game

We Fear Others Will “Suck Us Dry.”

We Feel We “Must Destroy Those Undeserving Ones Feeding off Our Hard-Earned Money!” (Blood)

We are forever feeling we can’t get enough resources (money) and that the lack of it means we are suffocated, cannot move freely, cannot breathe freely. We act out this fear in doing all we can to keep other folks from stealing or getting ours—our money…our “pure blood,” our pure children. We express our fear of failing this with the words that others will “suck us dry.”

Racism Hunger Game

Children Are Our “Blood Line.” We Fear We Must Protect It and Keep it “Pure.”

oc_websterWe see our children as extensions of our blood (line), so some of us fear that others might want to use them to “feed” on: whether they be “communists,” “Hollywood,” social agencies, or schools. We fear they will “suck” the goodness out of our otherwise “pure” children…our blood (lines).

Our children are also aspects of our social surround, our family. This is analogous to our placenta in the womb. This is another reason why we fear our children will have the blood sucked out of them by others.


For Men, Wives and Family Are the Placental Surround, Which We Feel Must Be Kept “Pure” at Any and All Costs.

vampireIf we are men, our wives are also part of that placental family entity and we fear other men might take their purity, their innocence, and such, asdfagagaghshshshsthrough “impure” acts, “unclean” ones. We symbolize this sometimes with the fear of a vampire “sucking” on such a “pure” woman’s blood…after which they would be “tainted” and “impure”…a placenta lacking in pure blood.


catholic-kkk-400x659taintplacentalsurroundwifeThe idea that this attack on our placenta / wife /social surround would come from another “blood line” /race abounds. Minds on fire with such fears will KKKphoto1go to no end of murder and torture against the targets of such furious projections and deem it all justified in light of some higher honor and purity. It inspires the activities of the KKK; their seminal artistic production—the film “The Birth of a Nation”—is a robust and thoroughgoing depiction of such “heroic” depravity carried out within a crazed light of such “honor” and “nobility.”


The Hunger Games — Anti-Semitism, Blood Libel

Blood Libel Hunger Game

And this is an obvious reason that through history we have ideas of blood libel popping up…and being acted on in horrific ways. Antisemitic-church-frescoBlood libel is the idea Christians had that Jews wanted to abduct Christian children to be used as an ingredient in one of their foods…matzos, specifically. The idea was that Jews wanted the “purity” of Christian children to feast on, especially during one of their main holidays, Passover. agwertetyeritoWhen I first heard about this, I thought this a rather insignificant, isolated phenomenon until I found out how Jews had historically been put on trial and executed…or simply rounded up and murdered … based on this spurious … this insane … accusation.

Anti-Semitism Hunger Game

Blood libel displays to us how we have this idea that some demonized Other needs to take our “pure blood” — our jobs, benefits … nutrients, oxygen — and will do it in some hideous way. And for this reason these sorts need to be destroyed. Remember, we, as vampires, need to suck up all resources around us out of our prenatal oxygen hunger (deprivation). But in this aspect of that feeling constellation, we want to fight off any and all who might be capable of or thought to be capable of stopping, slowing down, or reducing our resources (blood supply). We act the first out of lack or deprivation, the second out of panic and fear.


Scary Sarah…An Aside

We should not leave this issue without pointing out what this says of Sarah Palin’s use of the term “blood libel” to defend herself from attacks. She is saying that she is a martyr with pure blood—a “real” American!—and that the rest of the country and the media want to feed on her purity for they lack such. It is chilling that this idea is popping up again, considering what it led to historically.


Continue with “Bad Blood” — Acting Out Prenatal Feelings of Sickening … Earliest Roots of War, Psychosis, Racism, Xenophobia, Elitism, Homophobia … and Medicine”Bad Blood”

Return toWe Are the Centaurs, My Friends: We Are the Necessary Heroes for Deluded Promethean “Fathers,” Open the Jar, Pandora, and Why the Gods Are LOL

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