The Eleventh Prasad, of “The Great Reveal” by The Planetmates

The Eleventh Prasad


Goat Was First Consciousness at The Eleventh Prasad

Once you started hunting planetmates for food and killing your own out of fear of scarcity of resources, the next step towards ever more control of what Nature/the Divine provide naturally was facilitated. In terms of the well-being of planetmates, the planet, and the survival of humans, this was the direst development.

Borne of increasing lack of faith in Divine Providence, you next expressed your impatience with the divine flow by controlling the vegetarian side of your food resources by instigating horticulture. Through horticulture you extended your control — we would say interference — in Nature’s perfect ways by deciding what, when, how, and where to grow the Flora Empire of Earth Citizens.

About 25,000 years ago, increasing numbers, though not all, of your kind took over the divine plan for these Earth-rooted beings. You determined their life cycles and fates and set them to your ends, rather than Nature’s ends. You call this “the agrarian revolution.”

(to be continued)

What follows is a video of a reading of The Eleventh Prasad, with commentary, elaboration, and context, by SillyMickel Adzema.

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  1. #1 by sillymickel on March 7, 2010 - 3:31 pm

    Paraphrase/ Summary/ Abstract of “The Eleventh Prasad” — by SillyMickel AdzemaIn terms of the well-being of yourselves and all life on this planet, the worst development of all occurred when you began to grow your own food. The agrarian revolution developed out of the same forces that caused you to begin hunting, which have to do with your unnatural fear of scarcity of resources and lack of faith in a Divine Providence to meet your needs even better than you can alone. The controlling of your earth-rooted food sources, horticulture, grew out of your impatience with the Divine harmony and plan and your desire to control — what we would say is interfering — Nature’s perfect ways even so far as the Flora Empire. This development took hold of increasing numbers of you beginning twenty-five thousand years ago. You began determining the life cycles of some of the Earth-rooted beings of this planet, and you continued your God-like determinations of life and death of other beings as well as the who, what, where, when, and how of their existences. You currently are recording this development as an agrarian “revolution.”

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