Curious God, Infinite Poignancy, and the Nature of Divinity: Funny God, Part Four — The Universe Is Experience, Life is a Disneyland


Cosmic Giggling, Human Darkness, and Happy Times Waking from Nightmares: God Has Fun, Becoming Human Was Her Supreme Act … of Recklessness


Funny God, Part Four:
God Is Experience. Life is a Disneyland


Part Four of Facebook…. Funny…. God(dess?)…. Experience

One Consciousness was hardly just The Big Grey Cloud

nothumanscat_thumbThe point is…when you are God…and you’ve had so many lifetimes…you know, tripping out as an animal and everything and knowing your sense of Reality and everything…and knowing that it’s like a movie…but don’t you think…I mean don’t ya think at some point….

I mean, after all you’re God, and you know there’s nothing, nothing, nothing that could ever harm you…or harm anyone. Nothing…nobody ever gets harmed. And everybody always gets loved, and it can’t help but happen always that way. It can’t help but happen always that way because there’s nothing outside of that Truth-Awareness-Bliss-Love.nothumansmahadevshiva_thumb There’s nothing outside of that, right?

[“That’s right.”]

Okay, so, um, so, don’t you think He might…that God might, y’know, like, aaah, geez…

I’m going to, I’m gonna edge my way into this….

Alright first of all, when I went up there…One Consciousness was hardly just The Big Grey Cloud, or something, y’know? Nooo. It was very real! I’m talkin about a guy singin Joan Osborne, y’know, dancing and laughin and giving hash! I mean could it be more, well not physical, ’cause it wasn’t physical, but, man, did we? We didn’t sit there on our thumbs and be shy!

[“it was quite an experience….”]


What is more alive for someone who’s nothing but good?

It was quite an experience! And that’s the whole friggin point is that, well, would anybody crave?… Why would anybody crave… and you don’t have to say, oh, a lonely person, is praying, and all….No! We all crave what? TO BE ALIVE! MORE ALIVE!! And what is more alive for someone who’s nothing but good?

Hopeful sadness? Seriously?

Well, fer Chrissakes! He’ll be…being more alive means putting a frame around that goodness to give it a kind of a fuckin, y’know, a contrast so it can be more beautiful! Think of all of the things that happen in life out of pain, and the things that we all, uh, pull ourselves to, like I said, the poignancy…. Would there be such a feeling, would there ever be poignancy if there wasn’t like hopeless sadness? If we had hopeful sadness, we’d never even have the experience of poignancy. Don’t you see, that only by forgetting who we are…


Can we really…all though it’s scary as hell…but the thing is, we all…live through it!



What Do You Call God When He’s Bunji-jumping?
Answer: Human

Y’know? It’s kind of like when you’re jumping off of a…like with bunjee cords, off of a bridge…. And you’re sure you’re gonna die. But you’ve been convinced that, y’know, all the materials, all the equipment is safe, sound, and everything.

And what do you do? Having complete faith in, the people doing it, and, the materials and the strength of the material…you do it even though you think you’re sure you’re gonna die! You have all the fears in the world. It’s you doing peek-a-boo again. Only you’re trying to prove to yourself, that God will be always there to catch you.


And you do prove it to yourself. You see?


But the only thing is, we as God do it one better….

We forget…that the rope is good.



We forget, and we just throw ourselves off….



And, we throw ourselves off, hoping…knowing! knowing that at some point we will remember, before we die, because there…you’re never gonna die…. So we know we’re going to succeed. And we also know, that we are going to experience things that we will never ever…that we have never experienced before…. We may never want to experience again.

I don’t know, man…. I don’t know enough about this to know if it becomes an acquired taste. I don’t even think that that would be very healthy, yaknowhatimean?

Acquired taste?

No! An acquired taste for experience, perhaps, for extreme experience, perhaps. But y’know an acquired taste for like, y’know, like evil or for darkness, I mean that could be, ummm, I dunno, creepy….

But, I don’t know… I don’t know, I really don’t.

[“Ok, by experiencing, y’know, even these so-called horrible things, so to speak. By really being rooted in them and experiencing them, kind of knowing them, doesn’t that mean that when you have the opposite of an experience of love and bliss it’s all the more, y’know, wonderful, it’s all the more of the deep experience cause you have the deep experience of the other which contrasts…”]

Well, that was…. Thank you for the point that I didn’t elaborate on but I just started… that’s the point of, as I said, the metaphor of you having a blackness…

Icon Clasting

A blackness? No. I gotta stop trying to fit words on it for the word is an an icon. There’s the icon! Thanks for ‘clasting that icon, ok?


Y’know, you really clasted that icon…blackness…because after all, it’s not light and darkness that we’re wanting to contrast….



Experience Is God, God Is Experience

It’s experiences, feelings…and they are harder to fit words on or to picture, so we use analogies like light, dark, but they are icons that need to be removed for us to think clearly again. It is experience, individual experience, that we as God want to contrast so as to manifest it all more wonderfully, more poignantly, in its happy and sad “flavors,” its good and bad experiences of existence.


We Don’t Know Good Till We Know Bad

For we don’t know how good we are as God! until we know how bad we are as God, but not knowing it. Y’see?

We…it’s like you said…. And it makes for the most PERFECT, PEEK-A-BOO, EXPERIENCE…OF ALL!

Life – like one long peek (a-boo)

And that’s what I’m getting at…is that it’s all about peek-a-boo…only…it’s like, life is like, one long peek….

And God teaches peak-a-boo game to everyone. Why? Because no matter how many lifetimes it takes, no matter how much time passes in which that shield is up, and we do not see Momma, or God’s face, so to speak….

The point is, is there such a thing as a short or a long time for returning to God, remembering our true nature as God? No! If it’s longer we are able to magnify the magnificence of the drama, expanding its flavors of experience and poignancy. If it’s shorter…we’ll have happiness and bliss, the experience: “Wow, ok… Now I remember! Wow! That was a trip! I would not have believed it!” We’ll have that sooner but either way is magnificent.

That was a trip!

And when we remember…. Y’know, how many people come back from harrowing experiences and say, “Wow, that was a trip…I’m just glad I survived it!” But they’re glad they lived through it! They’re glad to have had it. They said, it was, like, “Wow! I really woke up to life, during that!” Y’know it’s like, “I may have almost died, but I never felt so much alive!”


Heaven Slickers – Nothing But Peek-a-boo

In fact, y’know, some people pick up on this. There was a movie. It was called, of all things, “City Slickers”! And it was pointing out the dead lives that people live in the city. And then they were speculating at the end…”Hey! We almost got killed, we almost got shot, we got robbed, we almost got left in the desert, and then it was storm…bu bu bu….” But they’re all so happy about the whole thing. For they left the city and went out into greater feelingness, and they felt more alive than they ever felt in their life because they had finally experienced something that scared the pants outa them. And it was all a peek-a-boo!

It turned out to be a peek-a-boo, for the fact that it was going to all end up being great had to be hidden from them the whole time or it wouldn’t have had such an incredible ending; it wouldn’t have been, ultimately, so wonderful, so poignant with pleasure.


And like they, when we take this adventure of human existence, we have to do it honestly.

So they, you see, didn’t know! They couldn’t allow themselves to know. They were under the illusion they were going to be taken care of on the whole trip. They did not know that they were going to experience pain and all that stuff.


Had to have faith

So they had to just have faith. They just had to have faith and persevere. And so therefore they won, at the end.

What Knowledge Needs

Now, you see, as I was starting to ask, if we are somehow the thing that we create as an experiment in truth, or, as an experiment, in returning to truth…there’s no, like, good or bad; there’s no a’s, b’s, c’s…. It’s like… we’re all God, and all experiences are all, like, well that’s all there is, is the accumulation of experience. That’s all there is, is like, experience, ’cause knowledge is already knowledge. The only thing that knowledge needs, that could ever be better, is the addition of experience.

[“That’s right. Cause through experience, what happens? We share. And that’s where the Love comes in.”]

Where the Poignancy Comes In

That’s where the poignancy comes in, that’s where the drama comes in, that’s where the fun of the game comes in. And it’s more than that. Because, in an infinite Universe, with an Infinite God, can you not imagine that there would be an infinite number of experiences, too? And so that there would always be something that hadn’t been tried?

[“Right, and so we don’t have to live here forever because…”]

No, what I’m saying is that…I don’t like to say God is still learning…It’s not like God is still learning. It’s…God is all-knowing…God is all creation. But God knows all this, but what kind of life would it be where there wasn’t some kind of newness or growth?



Keep on Cosmic Giggling

So you might think of it as, the game…the only game that God can play in which, which has such high drama and everything like that, and in which, all, y’know, at times, all the different, all these different things are created, and all these different beings are created, and they all went through different experiences.

Human Darkness. LMAO. God’s Nature

But the one that’s human, is where you could create the darkness, that will allow you to have the biggest, whooping, howling, like I said, God’s nature, and ours, is laughter. Y’know. And that’s what He wants.

That’s why He created us, because there’s beauty, and all that, in all the rest of creation. But it’s only through becoming less than Himself, becoming us, and totally forgetting…that when He remembers…when He/She remembers…that She can go, “Wow!!!! THAT was FUN!!!”

(From an Advert in Heaven:) Human-Land – Fun, New Amusement Park

I mean, look it, come on, we are God, what did we create…amusement parks? Right? What do amusement parks do? Lot of peek-a-boo, don’t they?

[“scare the hell out of you…”]

“There’s the, there’s the roller-coaster…oh, it’s going up, it’s going…aaa-ooo-ahaooo!!!! I’m gonna die!!!” Oh. Nobody dies gonna die.

Why we insist on haunting houses

But, there’s more obvious ones. How bout like that haunted house thing…where it’s like do-de-do-de-do-de-do… oh, you got…oh, you’re in a…oh it’s like, oh, you’re in a haunted house, like “oh, these things they go, oh my god, y’know, oooohh!! Nooo!”

And then it’s like, and then what? It’s like it’s all over and you walk out and it’s sunshine, it’s Disneyland, and people are eating cotton candy… It’s like, “Holy fuck!”

You see. But you see you have to really believe it for it to be so much fun, and it’s like, unless you, if you go in there knowing it’s an amusement park, well, it’s not so much fun!

Fun times waking from nightmares

It’s an in-cre-di-ble fun. It’s like the most fun, it’s like when you, you ever have a dream that was sooo horrible…that you were sooo glad it was a dream when you woke up?

[“Oh, yea!”]


Tae kwon horror movie – new, fun spiritual practice

Yea, that’s a taste of it, too. How about…and of course this is not exactly forgetting…but like, y’know, we have a taste of it every time we go to a horror movie, why would we even invent them? We have a horror movie because we are practicing that thing of being, having faith that the thing that we’re seeing…it’s actually a practice…a spiritual practice…of seeing horror, but not giving it strength, not giving it reality. Y’know?

It’s only people who give these things reality who actually act them out! And so therefore, they are, in acting them out, experiencing things.


But, y’know, at some point we want to go back.


The Dream Is Over.

So that’s why we talk about…there’s no high or low, there’s no good or bad. Y’know, it’s like, it’s just that, I know I think some of us, when we’re talking like this? We’re tired of it, and we want to go back. We’re ready, we’re ready to understand, to remember again.


Liquid Memories

I mean, after all, didn’t I have a peek-a-boo? I mean, come on. I was scared shitless. You guys think, I mean, I’m so kind to you now and everything. You guys didn’t think that when I was melting, fer God’s sake…that I wasn’t out of my fucking brain scared?

No pain, no gain –> No form, no fear

But then you know what? When I was water? I told you, it was like the most relaxing massage. It was almost like you lose your form, you lose your fear.

[“Oh, yea.”]

It was like, wow, and then, y’know, being taken into mouth. S’like, “Hey, Muff, I always love you, man…this is so awesome of you! Wow, how great is that, man? You takin’ me inside of you? That’s so wonderful. Thanks a lot, man!”

In Heaven There Is No…

I mean, you could not believe it, there was no such thing as an unhappy experience. And, you look all over and, you couldn’t find it!

And then when I went up to heaven? Holy cow! There’s God, my best friend in the world. I mean, like, y’know?

Uncertainty wakes up zombies

And, I mean, uh, God, y’know, no stodgy, y’know, no stodgy, uh, y’know statue love-Jesus looking God, y’know? No icon, man. This is the most opposite of an icon, it’s the most, as we’ve been saying…. It’s the unexpected that creates real experience. If you know it, if you expect it, it is just a trance state.

So…so, I’ll thank you for killing me.

[“Yea,” chuckling. “Right, yea.”]

“Hey, thanks for that death I wasn’t expecting!”

But you know what? Heh, I thank you, thank you for killing me but I also thank me for being you and for, and as God, for knowing that I would learn that killing isn’t possible for God. That’s the only way I would know. So thanks for that wonderful gift and, uh,

You know, I feel like, uh, and uh, y’know, you guys, I’m sorry that uh you guys didn’t have an experience of it, because I know it’s harder just from the head.

Being God in Spite of You

But y’know it’s a, it’s all Love, y’know? It’s all Love that we give each other because, y’know, in spite of ourselves, we can’t help but be God.

Spite your nose off your face

There’s another, there’s another verse to the song we used to sing, “In spite of ourselves, we’re gonna end up a sittin on a rainbow… Against all odds, yea, we’re the big door prize…” There’s the knowledge, there. “We’re gonna spite our noses right off of our faces…”

That’s true. That’s God speaking, y’see? “Won’t be nothing but big ol’ hearts dancing in our eyes.” Nothing but Love. And that’s THE TRUTH.


[“that is the truth. And boy I think you’re …. The experience of death and what is beyond that because we can’t change experience and it’s like the….. the tragedy, the….. Seeing how cruel people can be….”]

Easily ungrateful = human

You see you’re already forgetting. You see? It’s harder when you just have it in your mind because you’ve forgotten that you were grateful for all those experiences at some point in your life.

[“I am. That’s what I know is that I am, that’s what I was thinking a while back…is that the sum total..those of us who’ve given been given so-called hellacious experiences? We can be even doubly thankful, because without all that we wouldn’t be learning so much, as Baba says, for, you know, for Liberation.….”]

Long Peek-a-boo .. Increase Pain, Increase Motivation

Yea, you might say it’s kinda like a very long peek-a-boo experience, where the face of God is hidden makes you want more and more and more and strive more and more and more, and uh…. Well, it’s actually true, y’know, we take any kind of experience of pain. You increase the pain, you increase the motivation.


Sorry to hear about your animal-killing toejam

Y’know, it’s like, uh, and that’s the thing that’s beautiful about it is that…It’s like, you know you’re God, when you can say you’ve got chronic fatigue, you’ve got flatulence disease, you’ve got up-the-wazoo in-yer…you’ve got all kinds of…phlegm cancer, y’know? Or you’ve got a really bad toejam that’s cancerous and uh killing off your animals… I mean, y’know, uh, y’knowwhatImsayin.

[“And so finish you’re point, you were really, what? So then you’d really be thankful, for these experiences, because you’ll be super-sensitized to the opposite to the nth degree and really grok being blissful…”]

I’m seein, I’m seein’ that you can say, “I can’t handle it.” You can say… Well, what we usually say is, “I won’t be able to handle it.” Y’see? How often do we say “I can’t handle it?” We say, “I won’t be able to handle it.”

What God Gives Me… That’s Faith

And, y’know, even, it’s common knowledge, it’s one of those truths that people are starting to pick up on a lot that have a lot of experience, like alcoholics? Who’ve had a lot, who’ve had a lot of negative, painful experiences and so on? And yet they’re the ones who say. They are the ones who say, after going through that hell, and I’ve gone through it. They’re the ones who are saying, “God only gives me that which I can accept… God only gives me that which I am able to handle at any particular time.” Now, that’s faith.

An interesting experience, anyway

Now it makes it sound like, “Oooh, I bet we’re as cool…I’m gonna be handling this, man.” Yea, but as God. The part of us that’s God, it’s kind of like eating an anchovy. Y’know? It’s like you’re going, “God! This tastes like shit, man! But you know, it is the more I chew on it…it’s a more interesting experience than I’ve had for quite a while, y’know?” And then we’re all, then: “Hell I might even try caviar or some…y’know, fish eggs, yknowhatimsay.”

It’s just something different.


Something different.

[“That’s right.”]


Infinity of Experience – Infinite God

And in an infinity of experience, why can’t there be an infinity, don’t you see? that…When does God stop growing? When does God stop growing? Why does there ever have to be an end?

Why does there ever have to be an end?

[“…end for human life…”]

No, I’m saying when does God stop growing? Cause I’m saying that God is all knowledge.


But He’s infinitely experiencing, and He has for all time. So, with an infinity of experiences, there’s always going to be newness.


Gophers line city sidewalks after their homes were flooded in the East Village area of Calgary

And yet, He’s been doing it for all time. So how fascinating is that?


God Would Not Want a King Midas Curse.

So, it’s like the only way I could ever imagine that kind of sameness being exciting…. Think about it. Here’s the only way. Try to think of that kind of sameness being exciting. In any other way. Like, for example, oh you’ve had so many experiences and never run out of them… No. Then there’d be sameness, and they would be all the same, and one day would be like the other and it would be kind of like… what was it, uh…Oh, King Midas who had the golden touch, y’know? Got everything he wanted, everything was perfect. But he couldn’t enjoy any of it, because it was just all the same.

No hash for you!

Y’know, I don’t know if God makes hashish brownies for everybody, y’know? I mean, I don’t know.

Curious God

But you know, I doubt it. Because, knowing God, it’s all about, why wouldn’t He try that? Why wouldn’t He do that? Who wouldn’t? Cause that’s another thing, We are God…so aren’t we all curious to know…and don’t we really only get our knowing, really, through experience?

Infinite Poignancy

So like it’s so beautiful that I can’t even imagine that there is like infinite numbers of poignant dramas…infinite numbers of horrors and heroines and tragic figures and heroic figures and demonic and evil people and, y’know, there’s all of the characters; and they’re all God. And it’s like this is the way in which God continues not just, y’know, experiencing Himself, but experiences Himself as multiple…y’see?


God Has Fun.

So, y’know? Kinda like being in that play again. Only He knows He’s God…He knows He’s God but He’s playing all these parts. And He has fun.

[“Yea, he has fun, because His supreme act of Love is the fact that He allows us totally to forget, so He can really be into the experience…”]

God’s supreme act…of recklessness

That’s not a supreme act of Love, that’s a supreme act of just pure recklessness on His part….


But no, it’s just like, there is no faith, He has… It’s not faith, when it’s knowledge. He knows that there can be no harm. It’s kind of like jumping off that bunjee cord, except that as soon as you fall off the bridge, you get amnesia. Theeeeen what happens?

Four Falls From Grace … And Back Again

And God knows it’s gonna happen. God knows that in the process of coming to Earth, He’s gonna go through four falls from grace, until He’s gonna end up to be as dumb as a dipstick.


Y’know? And then He’s gonna have to go back from being dumb as a dipstick, and in the process of it, it’s got all the most wonderful things, experiences…more wonderful than animals can experience, because it’s all done in total forgetfulness that it is not real and that everything is just fine even when it doesn’t seem to be.

So ultimately, peek-a-boo: It’s all been magnificent.


Death to everyone – makes it fun.

What does Will Oldham say? He says, “Death to everyone, is gonna come… And that’s what makes hosin’ fun.”

It’s because of the fear, ultimately that fear of death, which there is no need for actually, but which provides the edge, spice…the beauty, poignancy to life. It’s what makes it fun, and so much more perfect in our forgetting for a time that it is just a game we are playing for our own, as God, amusement and the manifesting of beauty in existence.

An edge of pleasure. Multiple flavors.

It’s because of that fear that there is an edge of pleasure to life as well…….. Because through pleasure we escape even the possibility, the threat, of remembering, which multiplies even more the “flavors” (experiences) of existence. Regardless of the fact that pleasure extends our time in forgetfulness, for the amount of time it takes to remember our nature as divinity is totally irrelevant. It does not matter. It is poignantly perfect and beautiful any way it goes, ultimately.



Continue with Funny God, Epilogue: The Earth Really Loves Us

Return to The Purpose of the Human Form and the Poignancy of It All: Funny God, Part Three — Pain and Peek-a-Boo

“God Gets Me Stoned, Digs Joan Osborne… Don’t Be So Judgmental, He Says”

The link, above, takes you to a shorter, out-take, audio clipped from the complete–90 minute–version of “Funny Fantasy Becomes….” This clip focuses on the early on, comedic material on its own, without the later spiritual-philosophical soliloquy that is in the complete audio. Click on the link above to go to the audio site…or on the audio player below to listen to it here:(Link) View more God Sound Clips and Silly Mickel’s Mystic Crystal Revelations Sound Clips

Facebook Funny Revelations and the Mind’s True Liberation

“Funny Fantasy Becomes Hilarious Meeting with God
Who Reveals All Reasons behind Existence, God, Living Things;
So Much More Wonderful Than Ever Imagined by Humans;
and Sadly because Humans Are Not Yet Capable
of Even Imagining Such Love and Goodness”

Comedic, Philosophical Monologue by SillyMickel Adzema

For the audio monologue of the entire Facebook… Funny… God(dess)… Experience click above for the link to the audio site…. or below on the audio player to listen to it here….
Image of Funny Fantasy Turns Hilarious Meeting with God Who Reveals All Reasons behind Existence God Living Things So Much More Wonderful Than Ever Imagined by Humans and Sadly because Humans Are Not Yet C

Continue with Funny God, Epilogue: The Earth Really Loves Us

Return to The Purpose of the Human Form and the Poignancy of It All: Funny God, Part Three — Pain and Peek-a-Boo

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