Posts Tagged The Awakening

People Look Awfully Silly Kissing Their Chains. How Is It Supposedly Rational Progressives Can Believe in Satanic Reptiles?


Free Your Mind, Your Ass Will Follow: Paranoia and Progressives — Fear Makes Right Wing Fools Out of Even the Most Intelligent of Us.


Check this out. These quotes were shared today on Facebook and liked by sixteen progressive friends of mine.

“If the Devil finds a Man idle, he’ll set him at Work…” ( J. Kelly, in Scottish Proverbs, 1721)
“An idle brain is the devil’s workshop…” (H. G. Bohn, Hand Book of Proverbs, 1855)
” The devil tempts all, but the idle man tempts the devil…” (Kurdish/Arab/Turkish proverb)

So. What is it with progressives … many of whom are atheists … who don’t believe in God but DO believe in a devil!?


What is it, progressives can’t accept anything good? only see their own shadow? are merely paranoid?

It is not just the quotes above. I have for years detected much paranoia on the left—much of it warranted, I grant you—but erupting in florid supernatural fantasies of a dark nature.

So I don’t just mean “the devil” in a classical sense: as Satan, and such. For do progressives who believe in the Illuminati, Satanic rituals of Masonics, reptilian people in government or spying on us from behind the moon not realize how much they sound like Church Lady?

Remember when your mother used to scare you into behaving by telling you “the boogeyman will get you”?

How is it some folks, no matter their intelligence, still operate at such a childish level?

It doesn’t speak well of progressives. I hope there are lots of other ones who aren’t so paranoid. I feel out of water around supposedly enlightened folks who are taken in by such right wing religious propaganda.


Fear is one thing intelligence cannot seem to budge. Maybe that is why only crying—that is, feeling one’s feelings—works to free one from insanity. I can tell you this as a trained primal therapist and holotropic breathwork facilitator of many decades experience.

There is no devil. There is only fear of devil. And that has been put into humans to control them for as long as there has been civilization by those who have more. (See The Great Reveal, Chapter Twenty-Five: The Seventeenth Prasad. Nascent Class War 20,000 BC and The Great Reveal, Chapter One: Recalling the Riotous, Exciting First Days.)

Does it not occur to any of the progressives who have liked the quotes above that all three quotes are used to keep people compliant and working hard as slaves … obedient and docile as sheep … for the benefit of the Overlords … of all times? Liking the quotes above is like being enamored of one’s chains.


Does it not occur to anyone how the same rationale is used today by the 1% to keep people down and from being able to fight back or revolt? Drive them into poverty, instill in them the value of hard work, and leave them no time to think. That way they will never awake to their servitude or if they do will be too tired and beaten down to do anything about it.

I mean, you can kiss and cuddle with your chains, as in falling for the self-flagellating quotes above. But realize you are looking awfully silly doing it.


Continue with We Are All Turks Today and The Tao of Funny God: Why Turkey and What Andy Kaufman and the Turkish and Occupy Protesters Teach Us

Return to The Great Reveal Epilogue, Part Fourteen – Four Falls from Grace … And Back Again: Becoming Human Is Love’s Supreme Act of Recklessness, and Death to Everyone … Makes It Fun


1. How can progressives believe in one supernatural being (devil) if you make fun of those who believe in another one (God).

Or, putting it another way … if you’re going to go believing in supernatural fantasies, why in hell would you choose the most horrible one imaginable to believe in?

… which makes it more a psychological problem, it seems to me.

2. Illuminati Theory — Racism Cloaked?

Like and share this if you are proud to be “illuminati.” What’s happening is vile and racist.

Illuminati Theory — Racism Cloaked?

Do an image search on Google for Illuminati Members. You will find 90% or more are pictures of blacks. No rich folks, except one liberal one.

Listen up, if you’re just tired of the right wing blaming “hippies” for everything that’s wrong with the country for the last fifty years….

Listen up, if you want to help stem the tide of this modern witch-hunting … if you want to help block the slide into a time of modern inquisitions where people with enlightened views are scapegoated and “burned at the stake” to divert from the crimes of the modern “aristocracy”….


Uneducated people tend to include any educated people in that term, *illuminati*. They think everything they don’t understand is “illuminati” and is against them. They call anything above what they were taught as “gobbledygook” and attack the messengers. They don’t go after the real rich people who are running the world. It is part of that cultural division the filthy rich create to distract folks from the class war that is going on against them.

Notice who’s left out in this chart. Any fundamentalist or evangelical religion or tea party groups. Notice it is only liberals who are targeted, whether in religion or education.

Notice who’s left out, John Birch Society, KKK,….

Notice who’s left out. ANY huge multinational corporation, ANY energy giants who are destroying this planet, ANY right wing political organization … or NRA, ANY rich folk or Koch Brothers, et al.

Notice who’s targeted: Labor unions, new age groups, any religion other than fundamentalist christian, peace groups, environmental groups, and “Esalen” (these idiots don’t even know that Esalen was only an important part of the new age fifty years ago and no longer is), and Unitarians!

Included in this are attacks on any better parenting organizations, anything that might improve the self-esteem of ordinary folks, anything that might alleviate the conditions of overpopulation and squalor in which many people live. They want to keep us down, demoralized, and unable to fight back.

And if we do fight back, they have the most gullible of us going after those of our own who have dared to rise above our stations and would wish to reach a hand back to do the same for our brothers and sisters.

This has a long history. If you look into illuminati you will see they are what the Renaissance folks were called, the revolutionaries who founded America, and the French Revolution, and the Russian Revolution. Union organizers. The Knights Templar, who were murdered across Europe on Friday the 13th by the Catholic Church, any educated Catholics such as Jesuits. Any liberal christian branch.

This new stuff is just part of the age old effort of the aristocracy in collusion with the Catholic Church to divert attention away from themselves and keep themselves from being overthrown by getting the uneducated to be at war with those of them who might be trying to improve their lots.

Us liberals-feminists-unionists-new-agers-free-thinkers-environmentalists they are calling “illuminati” now. In the past we were called “witches” and “heretics” and burned at the stake and tortured mercilessly.

I am an environmentalist, a feminist, a liberal, a new ager, a hippie, someone who went to and facilitated at places like Esalen, and a believer in world peace. Call me “illuminati” and I will wear the badge proudly….

Included in this are attacks on any better parenting organizations, anything that might improve the self-esteem of ordinary folks, anything that might alleviate the conditions of overpopulation and squalor in which many people live. They want to keep us down, demoralized, and unable to fight back.

And if we do fight back, they have the most gullible of us going after those of our own who have dared to rise above our stations and would wish to reach a hand back to do the same for our brothers and sisters.

it just occurred to me these folks, tea party types or those who don’t know any better among progressives, would be like the house “blacks” (to avoid the N word) of the South … siding with their enslavers against any outsiders or “uppity” blacks.

My friend Ka’t Pleiadean Mandu said, “Well isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black. I came across a youtube video where they were trying to tell us that reptilians and pleiadeans were the same. Bahahaha.”

Yes, that is exactly the kind of ignorance I’m talking about. Reptilians and pleiadeans the same. It’s just paranoia, where everything is a threat that they don’t understand.

what I am saying is that these people who think they are “awakened” because they have swallowed this drivel are being led by the nose to their slaughter.

These rich folks take away people’s real self-esteem and then play on the egotism that results. Telling them they are “awakened” for being duped is part of the way these uneducated are “played.”

Religion is a great tool for it does both of those things I was talking about above: It drives people’s self-esteem into the dirt and then lifts their egoism to a high point once they go along with the drivel. Their “being saved” is as much a way to play them like violins as “being awakened” is for this group above.

Addendum: it was posted on an Occupy page … which is *very* disturbing.

It just conceptualizes the things I’ve been told on many pages/groups, and read in articles all over the internet.

I’ve personally been called “illuminati” many times for not having traditional christian religious views. Yeah, me. living on social security.

The parts of the chart that actually include rich people and the Vatican is how the right uses some of the truth to get people to going along with their wishes and against their own. Alex Jones is a good example of that. There is plenty of truth in conspiracy theories, but notice above how it is being used to go against unions. Yeah, big tool of rich people … trade unions. See what I mean? The best propaganda is that which frames the truth in a way which they can use it to entice and enslave.

This chart, if you look at it, is an attack on all kinds of free-thinkers and searchers. it is an encouragement for people to live in the comfort of their ignorance … and fears … and basically feel good in the righteousness of their servitude.

I think that these things are the “screens” they put up to hide behind. The enemies are right in front of us. We shouldn’t be wasting our time on “mythical” ones … it is too easy for folks to be manipulated that way … cause then they can say ANYthing! And they have already shown, with their use of Glen Beck, Alex Jones et al, to use plenty of righteous sounding ego-placating misinformation to seed the collective mind into its current confusion.

Paul Theriault responded, “I have to agree. I remember one time someone said to me, when they were in obvious psychiatric danger, that they wouldn’t go see a psychologist or psychiatrist, as they all were members of the illuminati.

It also excludes a lot of concepts from serious evaluation because all contrary evidence is assumed to be an illuminati plant.

I remember some telling me once that baking soda cured cancer and the illuminati suppressed the evidence. That’s just plain not true.”

I responded to Paul, It is stuff like that which I’ve heard over the years and has built up in me to motivate me to do this post today. It is sad. This stuff borders on the psychotic … and some of it is….

Paul Theriault well, a fair amount of conspiracy theory is probably generated by people with schizophrenia. At least from what I can tell via their interviews. Not to mention the shoddy reporting.

Michael Adzema hmmm. i was suspecting that myself. I have a stepson who *is* schizophrenic. And this stuff sounded at times like the *kind* of stuff he would say.

there are *real* problems and *real* evil. Fitting them into a Christian mythical structure linked to a particular religion’s theology does not help us see them and fix them … and KEEPS us from doing anything about them.

I wish I had a nickel for every time I have heard that we couldn’t do anything about such-and-such because it was all part of God’s or Lucifer’s “plan.” *sigh*

If I have any intention, though, it is to bring light to false stories that are very, very dangerous. At one time, over the course of 300 years, 30 million women were horribly tortured and then burned alive for having views like we hold. And it looks like America is heading in that direction again …

On the flip side, this is the grandest time to be alive. The most important time in recorded history. All threads are coming together now, from all times and places, and we are in the center … getting to be a part, participate, choose, have a role and an effect….

yes, “a great passion play” … for sure

Bob Conway said on this:

While it surely is true that some wealthy and powerful people conspire to keep their wealth and power and indeed acquire more of it at our expense, the scope and breadth of the paranoia with which some other people approach that simple fact is truly astounding. They’ll lump just about anybody with whose views they disagree in with their enemies and call them “Illuminati” or “New World Order” or something and blame them for everything bad in the world. Such conspiracy theorists pose a great danger to all of us, including themselves.

And –

Neo-McCarthyism is what it is. 60 years ago there was a “Commie” lurking under every bed. Now the paranoid right insists that the “Illuminati” are hiding under your bed with a fleet of black helicopters coming to take away your Bible and your guns and put you in a FEMA camp after implanting a RFID chip in your neck and polluting your precious bodily fluids with fluoridated water.

I would add –

It was said that the only ones who are interested in denying conspiracy theories are the perpetrators of the conspiracies … which set off in me this response:

Seriously? You don’t think people who want to know the truth might also have an interest in denying that conspiracies *that* don’t exist … don’t exist? Not all conspiracy theories are valid. That is a recipe for the psychosis we see on FB … where some people actually think the world is hollow … and there’s some big effing illuminati coverup of that …. and that Nazis live in Antartica … dominator reptiles live on the moon and Sandy Hook never happened!!

Look, I am convinced 911 was an inside job and JFK was killed by powerful people in our government as well. But, Jesus! What bothers me is the free rein that has given for nuts to come up with all kinds of things out of thin air … aided and abetted and “seeded” by the likes of Fox News, Glenn Beck, and Alex Jones and the like … who we *really* should be looking at if we want to find evil conspirators…. imho….

3. This is why New World Order and Illuminati stuff is bullshit and is right-wing propaganda. It is rooted in the anti-communism of the 50s and the John Birch Society; and it is vehemently anti-progressive.

From the group description at We Are Change:

“During the 20th century, many statesmen, such as Woodrow Wilson and Winston Churchill, used the term “new world order” to refer to a new period of history evidencing a dramatic change in world political thought and the balance of power after World War I and World War II. They all saw these periods as opportunities to implement idealistic or liberal proposals for global governance only in the sense of new collective efforts to identify, understand, or address worldwide problems that go beyond the capacity of individual nation-states to solve.

These proposals led to the creation of international organizations, such as the United Nations and NATO, and international regimes, such as the Bretton Woods system and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which were calculated both to maintain a balance of power as well as regularize cooperation between nations, in order to achieve a peaceful phase of capitalism. These creations in particular and internationalism in general, however, would always be criticized and opposed by the American Old Right on isolationist grounds and by New Right on benevolent imperalist grounds.

In the aftermath of the two World Wars, progressives welcomed these new international organizations and regimes but argued they suffered from a democratic deficit and therefore were inadequate to not only prevent another global war but also foster global justice. Thus, activists around the globe formed a world federalist movement bent on creating a “real” new world order. A number of Fabian socialist intellectuals, such as British writer H. G. Wells in the 1940s, appropriated and redefined the term “new world order” as a synonym for the establishment of a full-fledged secular, social democratic world government.

During the Red Scare of 1947–1957, conspiracy theorists of the American secular and Christian right increasingly embraced and mongered unfounded fears of Freemasons, Illuminati, and Jews being the driving force behind an “international communist conspiracy”. The threat of world communism in the form of a state atheistic and bureaucratic collectivist world government, demonized as a “Red Menace”, therefore became the main focus of apocalyptic millenarian conspiracism.

In the 1960s, producerist groups like the John Birch Society and the Liberty Lobby disseminated a great deal of right-wing conspiracy theories focused on the United Nations as the vehicle “internationalists” would use to create the “One World Government”, and contributed to a conservative movement for United States withdrawal from the U.N. American writer Mary M. Davison, in her 1966 booklet The Profound Revolution, traced the alleged New World Order conspiracy to the creation of the U.S. Federal Reserve System in 1913 by international bankers, who she claimed later formed the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921 as the shadow government. At the time the booklet was published, “international bankers” would have been interpreted by many readers as a reference to a postulated “international Jewish banking conspiracy” masterminded by the Rothschilds.

Claiming that the term “New World Order” is used by a secretive elite dedicated to the destruction of all national sovereignties, American producerist writer Gary Allen, in his 1971 book None Dare Call It Conspiracy, 1974 book Rockefeller: Campaigning for the New World Order and 1987 book Say “No!” to the New World Order, articulated the anti-globalist theme of much current right-wing conspiracism in the U.S.. Thus, after the fall of communism in the early 1990s, the main demonized scapegoat of the American far right shifted seamlessly from crypto-communists who plotted on behalf of the Red Menace to globalists who plot on behalf of the New World Order. The relatively painless nature of the shift was due to growing right-wing opposition to the globalization of capitalism but also in part to the basic underlying apocalyptic millenarian paradigm, which fed the Cold War and the witch-hunts of the McCarthy period.”

So, if you are an illuminati theorist seeing illuminati under every bed, know you are in the great tradition of McCarthyites who saw communists under every bed, Nazis who saw Jews as the perpetrators of all their problems, the Vatican who saw heretics behind every free thought, and the people of the middle ages, who saw witches behind every expression of happiness or pleasure … and killed them.

Enjoying the company you’re keeping?

4. i’m not afraid of being culled by the government. i’m afraid of psychotic NWO fanatics seeing illuminati under every bed just like they once saw communists in the 50s and witches in the middle ages. this illuminati stuff is bullshit, but worse it is dangerous psychosis. people have already died because of believing this bullshit. people have been killed!!

Laughner, the guy who killed all those people, including children and shot Gabrielle Giffords through the brain, in Arizona, was all pumped up on this Alex Jones nonsense. I’m more afraid of stupid conspiracy nuts than i am any “elite” or government.

Herne Webber: We could use a One World Government by, of and for the people, one that is Anarchistic, granting local rule, with overarching Ideals of Socialism and Green to protect human and civil rights, as well as the environment. It is amazing to me the number of Progressives who nevertheless fall for Right wing propaganda, such as the Illuminati, the lizard aliens, etc..

Michael Adzema: exactly, Herne. nice to hear your voice of clarity on this. i get so tired of coming up against the propaganda and misinformation of people who then claim to have the “true knowledge” and to be “awakened” when the words they speak come from the minds of the Koch Brothers and those like them. For example, these people have no clue of the connections between the Koch Brothers and Ron Paul/Alex Jones/Glenn Beck. You’d think that Glenn Beck thanking the “Koch Brothers for this information” on his show would be a hint, but nooooo … and they think others are the sheeple. ha!

Michael Adzema mccarthyism not much different than the illuminati madness of today, except it was worse than what we are seeing right now. but it is where I fear we are heading. and the right will have us by the noses again, progressives herded like the sheeple they claim not to be… delusional….

what scares me is i see those super rich using their money to seed misinformation into the movement. i see people adopting anti-environmental stances saying that they have been “awakened.” Being against the UN’s Agenda 21, for example. And I say, you’re not awakened, you’re being played like a violin to help the Koch Brothers trash the economy. that kind of awakening is stupid. but people, especially young folks, will know (or be told) one thing and think they know everything.

right wingers have always hated the United Nations because it is the one of the most powerful impediments corporations have to doing whatever they want. you go against the UN and you are sweet music to the Koch Brothers, the polluters, and those that want to make you consumer slaves. it is right-wing mythology rooted all the way back in middle age witch hunting and conservative catholic ideology that went against the ideas of the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment.

5. Here’s more proof of what I am saying. it is anti-semitic, anti-environmentalist and anti-United Nations, and nowhere does it target corporations, like folks think it does. Its roots are in the inquisition that put down heretics and women in the middle ages. Do people realize that in backing NWO/illuminati conspiracy they are acting like modern inquisitors and modern McCarthyites? Do they realize that they are speaking the lines of the John Birch Society? Does any of them know what that means? Does anyone care? Here’s more proof:.

“HELLO, I AM EVELYN DE ROTHSCHILD!…>- My Family is the Richest Family of the World!…- We Own the US Fed, the Bank of America, and Entire World’s Banking System!…- We are the Bankers of the Royal Familiy and of the Vatican!…- We Financied Democracy, Communism and Nazism Also!…- We Financied the American Revolution!… But We Were Also Commissioned by Royal Inglish Familiy to Put Down the American Revolution!…- We Financied the French Revolution!- We Financied the Communist Revolution in Russia!…- We Destroyed the State of Palestine to Create Israel!…- We Were Behind 9/11 and Resulting Wars!…- We Control Obama, Democratics, Republicans and the US Governement and State!… – We Own the Associated Press and Reuters and Control Everything in Your Media.- We Are the Hereditary Supreme Chiefs of Almost the Entire World Freemasonry!…- We Are the Hereditary Supreme Rabbis of Almost all of the World’s Jewish People!…- We All Worship Lucifer – Satan the Devil ! Our True God!…- We Are New World Order and Plan to Enslave the Entire Human Population, Killing 90% and We Will Do It Legally Through the United Nations!…”

The above is from some propaganda that was being passed around on “illuminati”/jew-hating groups on FB. If you believe that nonsense, then you won’t have any trouble with what else is being tossed around – that the Rothschilds owns 72% of the wealth in the world and 500 trillion dollars. If you can believe that ANYone can without being seen own 72% of all wealth and 500 trillion dollars, then i’m not surprised you could believe in reptiles peaking at us from behind the moon. btw, how much for the green cheese you have for sale?

the fact that folks seeing illuminati everywhere are also attacking personal spirituality is an indication that these things go back to conservative Catholic tyranny of the middle ages, where they had inquisitions for the “illuminati” of their day … calling them witches and heretics. 30 million killed over a 300 year period. only it is conservative Christian dogma and evangelism that is behind this modern day witch-hunting. never again!!

in the book None Dare Call it Conspiracy, theses “elites” are said to be behind unions, feminists, hippies, etc….. everything but evangelical religion and the right. When the opposite is true. The point is NWO and conspiracy nuts are being seeded with right wing propaganda and are taking it out on their brothers in the left. The real elites have, with this NWO stuff and through the Alex Jones and Glenn Becks of the world, got progressives looking under beds instead of at rich folks.

6. It is this typical illuminati bullshit about Rothschilds and freemasons and Jews that led to the holocaust and the rise of Nazism. And you NWO theorists think you are *fighting* fascism!? You are being led down the blood-soaked path, actually. I quote:

“Antisemitic conspiracy theories

Antisemitism has, from the Middle Ages, frequently taken on characteristics of conspiracy theory. Antisemitic canards continue to circulate. In medieval Europe it was widely believed that Jews poisoned wells, had killed Jesus, and consumed the blood of Christians in their rituals (despite the fact that human and animal blood are not kosher).

In the second half of the 19th century conspiracists claimed that Jews and/or Freemasons were plotting to establish control over the world. The most famous text alleging the existence of this Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory is The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. A more modern manifestation of such ideas is the myth of a Zionist Occupation Government.

Various conspiracy theories have been advanced regarding Jews and banking,[32] including the myth that world banking is dominated by the Rothschild family,[33] that Jews control Wall Street,[33] and that Jews control the U.S. Federal Reserve System.[34] A related myth is that Jews control Hollywood or the news media.[35][36]

Most Holocaust denial claims imply, or openly state, that the Holocaust is a hoax arising out of a deliberate Jewish conspiracy to advance the interest of Jews at the expense of other peoples,[37] and to justify the creation of the State of Israel. For this reason, Holocaust denial is generally considered to be an antisemitic[38] conspiracy theory.[39]”

7. illuminati conspiracy stuff is basically Nazism I’m finding out. though I’m not jewish, I’ve just been called jew-this and jew-that and that wikipedia is jewkipedia and etc etc etc in an “illuminati” group. So, though everyone might think it is true, it is because the Nazis and fascists have taken over in this country and are determining what people think. that’s why. add to that the dumbing down of America.

It is something we need to fight…. certainly not be part of….

read the rest of it. they want to include socialists, marxists, revolutionaries, hippies, all renaissance thinkers…. my generation saw through all this when they came out with the book None Dare Call it Conspiracy, which was a way the right wing tried to blame hippies for all that was wrong and make the changes in society part of a communist conspiracy. but generations have come after us who have been duped.

So, this is the kind of stuff that the Nazis did. This NWO stuff is the same stuff that led to the rounding up of the Jews. That’s how dangerous this is.

What the Germans believed prior to the Jewish roundup WAS this NWO bullshit about Jews controlling the world through their banks? THIS CONSPIRACY STUFF LED TO THE HOLOCAUST

And in the same way as the Nazis directed attention away from themselves by targeting the Jews as scapegoats, these same kinds of people are targeting hippies, feminists, unions, and environmentalists as illuminati.

The problem is that folks think like I that there is an elite of rich people. While what these NWO folks are targeting is YOU as some elite. Look at the chart above. And read my comment about it.

8. i don’t disagree with anything anyone says about the rich folks controlling things and there being dire threats right now. Shit! I’ve written four books trying to rally folks about this in the last two years alone!!

the problem is that there’s so much truth in all of what they are saying in conspiracy circles …. and then they turn around and say hippies, new-agers, communists, feminists, hollywood, unions, etc. etc. are the ones responsible. they’ve been doing this since the 60s. None Dare Call It Conspiracy came out in the early 70s and we saw right then how they were tying in the entire counterculture of my generation with some bullshit communist plot to take over the world. i still hear to this day that the Rockefellers are responsible for making me a hippie. how stupid!!!

as if hippies are the center of the financial engines for the world. lmao!!

While New World Order and illuminati junkies go around thinking they’re clever in divining the intentions behind world events, they are blind to the 50% die-off of species in the next 20 to 50 years, the irradiating of the planet, the massacre and brutality of tyrants against their own people, and the fact that we are on an ecocidal and humanicidal brink, looking at the possibility of the end of all life on this planet in our lifetimes, from any one or combination of many environmental assaults. I say that the prospect of aliens-reptiles-illuminati is a comforting fantasy for those who do not want to look at our real problems.

As one of my friends put it, “I would love to be able to buy into that whole NWO/conspiracy crap, which is probably comforting? Well, it enables believers to divorce themselves from any sort of responsibility.

I added that it is typical scapegoating. finding imaginary things to blame has two sides, as you are indicating. the one is misdirection of focus on a false target. the other is having that focus not on oneself. that is plain and simple the function of scapegoating as a tool in society. How many people who are finding illuminati and Rothschilds behind everything are doing anything to save our precious planet? I haven’t found one who is. they are too busy denying climate change at the behest of the Koch Brothers and other polluters…. sheeple

i said there is no illuminati. i’m the first to point out there is lots of problems and evil. you show me one illuminati. I’ll show you some real Koch Brothers. it is insanity. take it or leave it.

Jung talked a lot about the Shadow … as well as the collective unconscious. Folks who do not look at their own “dirty laundry” within see darkness behind every rock outside of themselves. Also, my experience with these folks in general, and too many politicos on both sides of the spectrum, is that they are very disinclined to look at themselves and have very little self-awareness (much more for the right than the left, of course). They tend to pooh-pooh psychology, calling it “psychobabble” … sound familiar? And they tend to see and act in the outside world their own inner conflicts from their families of origin.My point is there is evil in the world. But those who do not look at their own darkness are liable to end up tilting at the *wrong* windmills outside themselves.Don’t get me wrong, I understand folks resisting this. It is far more terrifying to find out the boogey-man doesn’t exist. Because that means that if you still think there is one, you’re one sick puppy…..

i don’t disagree with anything you say folks say about a rich elite controlling the world. And that’s the problem. there’s so much truth in it all …. and then they turn around and say hippies, new-agers, communists, feminists, hollywood, unions, etc. etc. are the ones responsible. they’ve been doing this since the 60s. None Dare Call It Conspiracy came out in the early 70s and we saw right then how they were tying in the entire counterculture of my generation with some bullshit communist plot to take over the world. i still hear to this day that the Rockefellers are responsible for making me a hippie. how stupid!!!

as if hippies are the center of the financial engines for the world. lmao!!

The Matrix is a great movie. i’ve seen it several times and enjoyed it. it makes for a poor substitute for reality, however.

Indeed, my impression from a lot of these folks is that they are confusing reality with movies..

9. The problem i have with criticizing Obama is the crowd of assholes i end up in when i do that. i am angrier at this right wing NWO bullshit and propaganda that targets environmentalists (like me), hippies (like me), union folks (like me), and feminists (like me), than I am at Obama. I see the Koch Brothers hand behind a lot of this and so I wonder at the criticism I read about Obama. i don’t know what to believe of it anymore. Read the article and you might do the same.

there is plenty of blame that is due Obama. But the problem with paranoids is they end up being lousy prophets. I’m still waiting for the “certain” invasion of Nicaragua that my progressive friends said was coming while Reagan was in power. the U.S. didn’t need to invade Nicarauga, that is true. But my “progressive” friends did not see that … blinded by the certainty of their paranoia. They were predicting this invasion after the other elements were known.

The story above is another example. I saw an article today predicting just the opposite: that the case for the Keystone pipeline finally fell like a house of cards and that Obama will not ok it.

I’m angry, too, and want better from my own side. But my anger has not yet made me stupid enough to help my opponents in trying to bring down those on my side … including myself!

I’ve already seen this movie. Back in the 70s with Carter. I regret very much not defending him against the mass of innuendo and misinformation that ended up bringing Ray-gun into power and ending progress in America. This is not my first rodeo. I refuse this time to help the forces of evil, even when I am discouraged and frustrated at the competence or pace of progress of those who represent my interests.

I finally voted for Carter, but i went to an Anderson function and toyed with the idea of supporting him. I lost hope in Carter and didn’t defend him after a while … the exact way i’m feeling about Obama of late, and am today trying to change. But, we had no idea how much worse it could get.

i think that is what we have to keep in mind now: how much worse it can get still if we do not fight back against the filth of innuendo and lies that are raining upon is in progressive circles..

the right uses any weakness on our side to attack and make gains. they seed doubt and misinformation to feed those weaknesses. they insert their lies into any cracks in our alliance. thus, they have made gains continuously over the last 40 years.

the point is that Obama is not evil he is he simply lacking in being bold. That is a huge difference from his enemies.

As a psychotherapist, I understand him psychologically. We should have known when he was trying to get us to see that we could be a united country not split into red and blue states that, while it sounded good, it was delusional. He was acting out his childhood wish to bring his parents together. And the way he tries to placate the Republicans. it is clear he wants to please daddy and is acting out of all kinds of unconscious pain of his dad leaving him.

Hell, Obama is not my generation: We, who faced down authority, who spoke truth to power. He was born in the first wave of folks that the right wingers created to counter us: the yuppies.

So, Obama is between two worlds: his black liberal views and his yuppie white collegiate ones.

But there are no leaders that don’t have their psychological drawbacks … as we see from the leftist leader of Brazil right now.

Jung also talked a lot about the Shadow … as well as the collective unconscious. Folks who do not look at their own “dirty laundry” within see darkness behind every rock outside of themselves. Also, my experience with these folks in general, and too many politicos on both sides of the spectrum, is that they are very disinclined to look at themselves and have very little self-awareness (much more for the right than the left, of course). They tend to pooh-pooh psychology, calling it “psychobabble” … sound familiar? And they tend to see and act in the outside world their own inner conflicts from their families of origin.
My point is there is evil in the world. But those who do not look at their own darkness are liable to end up tilting at the *wrong* windmills outside themselves.

they were the ones in college and investment firms during Reagan’s presidency, and statistics show they were crucial in Reagan winning both times…. NOT my generation.
I saw the way the filthy rich changed the universities in 71 and 72 so there would never be a free thinking generation again. i was there. we saw documents. we fought it by trying to hire the professors they were firing with our own “quarters” and have them conduct classes on the lawns outside the classrooms….

People are wont to criticize Obama using the quote from Edmund Burke: “All that’s necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” ….

They never tell you what he said next: “But if you really want to speed evil along, join with it and kick the hesitant good men in the teeth.”

10. I’ve been asked if I know about “The Georgia Guidestones.

The answer is that of course i do. i agree with them. who could disagree with working to bring us to a population growth that would have our planet survive? what kind of paranoid idiots thinks that this means someone wants to kill people?

Have these right-wingers throwing this stuff around as propaganda done anything to limit population growth? No! they are too busy killing abortion doctors.

Would these folks bring a child into the world if it meant the death of the child, themselves and all of their friends? …. well, yes, they are that stupid. So i retract the question.

Do the people who are terrified of The Georgia Guidestones know about Planned Parenthood is what i want to know.

it tells you a lot about the mindsets of people when the only way that even occurs to them as a way of solving the population problem of the planet is to kill people.

So I’m with Yoko Ono and all those other environmentalist “hippies” who think it is a good idea to save the planet and to do that we need to stop overpopulating the Earth by putting restraint on the number of people we bring in here.

10. As for seeing some kind of NWO conspiracy behind the aspirations for revolution of the peoples of the world, especially those in the Middle East … to those people who see the need to piss on the heartfelt aspirations and dearly paid for advances of those countries, I say, you keep seeing people behind every aspiration for freedom in the world. go ahead. meanwhile tyrants butcher their own people.

As for myself, I’m with the Libyan, Turkish, Brazilian, Egyptian, and Syrian people. Assad is a murderer of 100,000 men, women, and children. do lives not figure into your complex mental machinations of geopolitical intrigue and conspiracy theory?

In particular about Syria, i don’t know what to believe anymore. i was involved in both Libya and Syria … it was all part of a globalrevolution. then as soon as we gave them the help that saved Libya from the slaughter, the progressives suddenly started saying Gaddafi was a good guy. i still have friends in Libya and Syria. I trust their instincts for revolution and yearnings for democracy far more than back-stabbing Western intellectual progressives who are never satisfied and people die because of their infantile petulance.

Bottom line is I don’t believe anything anymore. but i do know who is evil and who is not. being a psychotherapist for 40 years helps that. and when people start sounding like Glenn Beck, Fox News, or infowars, i consider them deluded.

But in general, I get past all the intellectualization and spin by putting things in human terms. This I find especially helpful when looking at the Middle East. As so:

When 33 million out of 84 million population come out in the street to redress something, it is the will of the people when it gets redressed. (Egypt)

Also, when a leader of a country kills 100,000 of his own people to stay in power, that leader is not expressing the will of the people, no matter what geopolitical alakazam is proposed to defend it. (Syria)

It’s easy for me: the one with the most people on their side and least suffering and murder deserves to win, in my book.

11. The Illuminati Threat? Yea, and I’ve got some “rich” teachers, union folk, and college-educated who are out to get you, too.

Based upon what I read, the article below, about the Illuminati:

(1) Where do I join?

(2) The people who would oppose such an organization sound like they would be tea-baggers, Beck-aloytes

(3) I don’t think they would let Bush be a member (c’mon! Eastern spirituality and Enlightenment philosophy!!! … Bush!? He’d only get a C on the entrance exam if he did try, and that would hardly be “illumined” enough)

(3) Yes, this stuff has been around. It is called the Reformation, the Renaissance, and the Age of Enlightenment

(4) Its principles would have been responsible for the American Revolution and the French Revolution. I only hope that OWS is so inspired

(5) It WOULD be the kind of thing that would be hated by the Catholic Church and they WOULD spread lies throughout the ages to misinform on it, to attribute their own vile agenda TO IT, and to link it with Satan, and thus reverse the blame that should go to them.

(6) It sounds like they would lump the entire New Age movement and all its thought – Jungian, Gnostic, human potential, etc. – into it

(7) Sounds like they were the original “dirty hippies” (and so I would have been one)

(8) when it comes to standing with Roosevelt, Obama, Clinton, George Washington, Marxism, and Benjamin Franklin or standing against them with assorted Bible-thumpers and the Catholic Church, I’d be with Benjamin Franklin’s group. In fact, I was sent on my quest for truth at the liberal arts college that Ben Franklin founded (Franklin and Marshall College) which had such a tradition of scholastic inquiry until the Seventies when it was taken over by the Right-Wing who hated the anti-war protesters that were coming out of it and it was turned into a career mill instead.

So (9) MAYBE I AM ONE and don’t know it!

(Damn. If I could find a 10th, I’d have a new article: “10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Illuminati But Would Never Hear About in the Right-Wing (Propaganda) Media” #ahI’mtoobusyalready)

Some more thoughts.. (maybe the #10 hehe) –

Bart Boeckholt – I can tell you first hand that the free masons have been, and are involved in many great things including the founding of this great nation.

Michael Adzema – You just triggered a fascinating thought in me, Bart. Is not the Free Masons like the first unions? And so, is not this anti-illuminati crap like the first tea-bagger kind of rhetoric?

Bart Boeckholt – The Free masons were indeed a guild of operative Masons in ancient times.

Michael Adzema – We hear the same rhetoric today against smart folks. pin-heads, Northeast liberals. The right-wing has apparently always used this tactic: keep people dumb (in the past it was the Catholic Church) today they have purged the campuses of liberal arts then, (2) rile up the uneducated people this creates against the more educated of them — thus pitting one part of the 99% against another part — and this leaves the 1% untouched and just watching and enjoying the show … the culture war created.

The anti-union bashing is just another way, like the one against the educated, to pit slightly better off 99% ers against those who would be jealous of that and leaves the ones in power (the Catholic Church of the past and the 1%, the filthy rich, of today) untouched.

Tales from the Crypt: Is the Illuminati Real?


Original article at

12. Big Lies…Big Ones!

We listen in as local TV anchors Dave and Katie recall the amazing day, a month previous, when the world changed drastically forever, practically overnight. They replay the TV news highlights of those incredible few days when miraculously the world’s human population was released from the Biggest Lie of all time, in fact the longest lasting—25,000 years in fact.
But the world changed because it was the most hideous lie. It had made humans miserable throughout their lives and caused them to be terrified to live, terrified of acting or even speaking. And after such a life of paralyzing terror, at death’s door, it caused untold trillions of humans to be freaked out of their gourd and to go nearly insanely brain scramblingly, nose drippingly mad as they approached the threshold.

God Will Punish You Forever in Hell…Stiiiiiilll, He Loves You!

The Big Lie, the incredibly long cover-up?

It turns out that some quite insanely controlling and pompously superior types had long ago concocted the idea of Hell—this place of endless and unbearable suffering that would last for all time. And then as the ultimate in mind scrambling irrationality, attributed its existence to God, who was also claimed to be all-loving and all-merciful.

A Wildly Successful Mind-Fuck

So it was the biggest, stupidest, and meanest mind-fuck of all time, concocted to keep people so terrified they would be easily manipulated by the controlling Meanies.

But it succeeded wildly beyond all expectations in that it could not definitely be disproved. And with the penalty of not believing in it so unbelievably huger than any person’s worst nightmare magnified times infinity, it held fast in people’s minds for 25,000 years with barely a soul ever courageous enough in that time to speak up and say what a rotten crazy notion it was…. [Keep Reading – Breaking News — Hell Doesn’t Exist: Good—God! Hell—No! … the Comedy]

Continue with We Are All Turks Today and The Tao of Funny God: Why Turkey and What Andy Kaufman and the Turkish and Occupy Protesters Teach Us

Return to The Great Reveal Epilogue, Part Fourteen – Four Falls from Grace … And Back Again: Becoming Human Is Love’s Supreme Act of Recklessness, and Death to Everyone … Makes It Fun

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Context of The American Awakening – The Great American About Face: Cool Hand Gipper (The Great Hustle) and What the 1% Would Still Have of Us:

Culture War, Class War, Chapter Thirteen:
The Great American About Face

Once Upon a Time, Kindness Was a Noble Thing


Why Insist on the Same Mistakes That Led to the Great Depression?


You don’t know what I’m getting at. But this is the indicator of the gradual change in our country that would be missed by those younger than myself. I only see this glaring discrepancy because of having lived many years in an America whose values were different, and who thought differently, more compassionately than today. I know of an America where even that last big word that I used, compassionately, wasn’t the dirty word that it is today…or the certain game loser, deal breaker if uttered.

What’s Love Got to Do with It?

clip_image002_thumbNo. See, what’s happened today is that it’s not even society at large that is supposed to benefit. Compassion is not a goal, or even a value, when negotiating. The scornful repetition of those words, “bleeding heart liberal,” has had its intended effect. No, no, it’s not the function of government to care about anybody anymore.

It may be hard for you to realize what a huge change this is from, like, Roosevelt days. The Great Depression went on for a long time, crushing hopes and aspirations, shortening lives, increasing suffering. People lived beneath this yoke for a time that must often have felt interminable. They came out of this darkness only slowly, and with great effort.

There Was a Time When Kindness Was a Noble Thing.

So, yes, in those days, the easing of suffering was a value, compassion was a noble thing, not indicative of weakness like today. This is the way it was then and for most of the decades afterward, not much changing. Even Eisenhower, a Republican… he wasn’t, y’know, at war with the common good in the Fifties; he didn’t think government was not supposed to be compassionate, that it wasn’t their job or anything, that they couldn’t give anybody a helping hand or anything like that. But starting with Reagan and slowly since then it has become that.

People Suffering, People Dying…And This Guy Thinks It’s a Card Game!

clip_image004_thumbPerhaps you’ve heard it too. At the time of it, you would see it discussed all over. There was Rick Santelli on CNBC. This was at the time when it first got out that Obama might just–with millions of foreclosures, people living in tent-cities and everything–might just present as part of his overall policy to deal with the problem something to help…ok, there’s one of those words (help), a certain game-loser; so you know what’s coming next…something that might “help” people who are heading into foreclosure, people losing their homes. The idea was to renegotiate deals with the bank, to recalculate the terms of their mortgage to make it workable to both sides again.

clip_image006_thumbDon’t forget the banks had before that been given huge amounts of money by the American people. So in this plan, instead of proceeding with a foreclosure the banks were asked to be willing to accept slightly less money on the loan than the original terms called for.

It was thought, what would that hurt? After all the banks aren’t going to lose. At the expense of the American people they’ve made out like bandits…in fact, they’ve been bandits…they used extortion to get that money out. With this policy they would get some money out of the loan instead of none in the case of the foreclosure; they would even still make a profit. The only thing they wouldn’t be able to do is to add that note to the pile of losses they would be claiming as part of the government bailout. clip_image008_thumbAn aside, that last part — making less money than if they could claim it a loss—is the key to understanding the uproar about Obama’s plan to help financially strapped home owners.

So we saw Rick Santelli, a highly visible financial commentator for CNBC, someone I saw everyday for years. He stood in front of the camera on the floor of the stock exchange; CNBC broadcast it to the world. He was against Obama’s plan to “help” mortgage-holders…they should probably have used a different word than help. As he put it “In America, a card laid is a card played.” He said, “This does away with contract law!”

Yes, We’ve Made This Mistake Before.

Well, yea, yea, they used to say those things back in Hoover’s day too, alright? And then when everybody was hurting, and there was thirty to forty percent unemployment and nobody was making any money including the rich fat cats and they were losing their shirts in investments and no longer making money in the stock market, then…then…all of a sudden, ok, then it was ok to help out people who were starving.

But Why Do We Insist on Making It Again?

Well, why did it have to get to that? And why has it gotten to that again, even to where it’s back to where it was…again…at the beginning of the Great Depression: No compassion allowed.

clip_image010_thumbWhat is that? It’s like “Oh, these people are all deadbeats here.” Oh, yea, all those millions of people? Doesn’t have anything to do with all that money that went to the rich people? Nothing to do with the fact that over the course of all these years we’ve seen the tax rates for the very wealthy go from eighty-some percent in the Fifties to where it is down below thirty-five percent now?

To offset those huge cuts in revenue, did we get any more prosperous in that time? Did those increasing cuts in taxes for the wealthy increasingly stimulate the economy? I repeat, did we get any more prosperous in that time? Did the tax cuts work the way the fat cats said they would?

Compassion = “Hippie.” Mean-Spirited = The “Real” Reality of The Game

Kumbaya—You Value People Over Rules? You’re No Doubt a “Hippie”



Well, No.

coastal_pollutionclass-warfare-what-now-367Well, I was there. No, they didn’t…and we didn’t…didn’t get more prosperous. We’re a lot worse off. Y’know, when I was growing up in the Fifties and Sixties my father was poor. But only he had to work! He might bring home fifty dollars a week, with six kids. But my mother didn’t have to work. Believe me, fifty dollars in that day, it wasn’t like it was worth a thousand dollars or something; there wasn’t that much difference.

Kumbaya. My Lord!

So there used to be this idea of benefiting society-at-large. There was this thing put out–even though it was a sham on the part of Republicans–that if you could somehow convince the Democrats that what you wanted was going to benefit the “society at large” they might come over to your side. Republicans still found it useful to promote the idea that they were representing the people.


What “Extra” Kitchen?

clip_image002clip_image004But no, no, no. If you say now that something is going to benefit somebody…. Like Rick Santelli said, “Well, a card laid…contract law’s all important…blah, blah, blah…. Does any of you people out there…” He was talking to the stock exchange people; he said, “Does any of you want to pay your hard-earned money so that the guy next door can have that extra kitchen that he put in?”


Now, where the hell did that come from? I hardly think that many of the people losing their homes were out there spending all their money on “extra” kitchens. So what’s the implication? The implication is that we’ve got a bunch of losers, spendthrifts, who are throwing their money away and they don’t deserve a break.


More Likely It Was Your “Extra” Kitchen, Rick. And, Thank You Very Much but We’ve Already Paid, and Dearly, for It.

we-are-the-99percent-what-now-378Duh! Doesn’t that sound like the banks? “Extra kitchen”…Doesn’t that sound like the stock broker people, doesn’t that sound like the people who are talking about the other people this way? Wow.


Anyway, it was played over and over again. There were even people, even some pundits and governmental folks in public who were saying, 82183663AW003_Meet_The_Pres“Yes, he was expressing what lot of people are thinking.” What the hell is that? That nobody can catch a break unless you’re rich? megyn_kelly_essentiallySee, that’s what happens when something is repeated over and over and over again… Self-benefiting mean-spiritedness like this can be spoken of as being, somehow, reasonable.

pepper spray 84 y-o occupy seattle 111511 (2)

A Broken Person Is Preferable to a Broken Rule in This Game.

riocitarum3roflbot6-1And what is it that was repeated over and over and over again? Well, let me just put it this way…because I was there. You know the real issue here…when you say that it’ll benefit “society at large” or you say it’s going to help or benefit real people, or you indicate in some way that it’s gonna ease the suffering of a lot of people… The real thing insinuated has to do with that thoroughly maligned idea—”bleeding heart liberal”—and things like that.

occupy-street-protesters-clash-885530Worse than that, these days, is that when that human touch somehow gets in, it’s no more considered a game! “It’s supposed to be a game,” that’s what they’re thinking, now. And it’s like, “Aw come on you’re trying to benefit people instead of playing a game.” That’s where that contract law comes in, it’s like, “No, that’s breaking the rules.” Well we’re supposed to be running a government for the people not for the rules, aren’t we?


You Value People Over Rules? You’re No Doubt a “Hippie.”

casually_pepper_spraying_cop92So you don’t even hear goodness coming in anymore. Or if you do hear the word compassionate it’s at most the naive utterance of someone that’s wet behind the years…some newbie or hippie…some “soft-headed” person who might have used it in a question in a town meeting, or the like.

And that’s another thing. A hippie? What the hell’s a hippie? Well this hippie can tell you. That is a definition I’ve watched change over the years.article-2043118-0E26B2C700000578-495_634x371 The definition in these strange days and among these current cold-hearted people is way different than originally.

In looking at this change in the meaning of hippie we bring into view another aspect of the overall argument I am making. I can tell you now that at the end you will see it all comes together neatly.

It all makes sense because of some basic human feelings, which are even present in large groups. Unfortunately those widely shared feelings are completely at odds with another set of commonly held basic human feelings that can be present and shared in another large group. That might sound complicated.

Compassion = “Hippie.”
Mean-Spirited = The “Real” Reality of The Game

194423-megyn-kellyWhat I’m trying to say is, who might that hippie be? Basically, these days, if you are one of those that uses words like compassionate…you‘re a hippie!

clip_image010And on the other side of this, the side that is presented to all, promulgated to everyone, and the only one considered “real,” we’ve got these mean-spirited feelings. They are at war with the idea that we have government that’s there to at all benefit, be on the side of, or even be for its citizens.


police-brutality-because-we-can (2)Like earlier I brought up the example of the Food and Drug Administration as something that benefits everyone, actual people, though it puts constraints on businesses. clip_image011Government seen this way exists to protect American people in situations where they would otherwise be powerless. And that is based on this old-fashioned notion that it is a good thing to save people from dying or from suffering in situations where a single individual is helpless against a cultural or societal wrong.

pepper-spray-manGovernment could be seen this way because one preeminent value was that life was precious and good, that people dying was not good, that it was important to prevent that to the extent one could…more important than money or profits or the comfort and clip_image013pleasure of people with riches. Those turn-of-the-century “hippies” valued life over arbitrary rules, people over profits, the common good over the capitalist game.

But I guess nowadays they’d say, “No, no, no…those people paid for that food!” And, you know, let the buyer beware. A dollar laid is a dollar played, after all.


Cool Hand Gipper (The Great Hustle) and What the 1% Would Still Have of Us: Context of The American Awakening


American Awakening and Cool Hand Gipper—“Obvious Truths,” an Overview


“Obvious Truths” Parts One and Two Reprise

This is the third and final part in this series delineating the history of the American Republican’ incredibly disciplined, relentlessly persistent, and amazingly cohesive … seemingly coordinated … nearly fifty-year campaign to gain advantage and wealth for their benefactor corporations and the “Filthy Rich” through totally concocted untruths.


All in the Family

We are seeing here revealed the fifty-year invisible family and community that surrounded all Americans and affected every aspect of their lives, including, and intentionally, the basic components of one’s personality, and the erosion of reason, Soul, and independent thought or action.


American Awakening

clip_image002stop-coddling-the-super-rich.jpegI am showing how only because of increasingly cocky and greedy acts and extreme over-reaching “in broad daylight,” before the entire world, did this malevolent surround become visible. These brutish and thievish over-reaches displayed an incredible disregard for, disrespect of, indeed, an actual literal inability of the “Filthy Rich”—the 1%—and their Republican puppets to SEE American People, who were the recipients of these attacks. Together these reveals, displayed unintentionally however blatantly and 317486_10150357184771862_526281861_8706445_629664980_nunknowingly by the Republicans and the “Filthy Rich”… and before the entire world…disclosed to the masses of Americans some “cracks,” “stains,” or textures in the “dome” of unreality they’d existed in, which had made them blind to Reality itself, and had kept them in a near zombie-like dream reality.


“They’re so cute when they jump for their treat.”

clip_image003imfghdjagesAs this Awakening continued, some began remembering events, the memories of which had been “bleached” out of awareness until just then, and then with remembering they realized how they’d been trained like animals their entire lives for the uses, whatever they’d be, of the “Filthy Rich,” and been trained then to forget that.

“From here, they look just like ants.”

01-architect-misconceptionsIt is clear that the “filthy rich” had an absolute certainty of their success because of their unmitigated power. What is also evident is the absolute inability of the “Filthy Rich”…which was the shocking thing they’d carelessly let out and therefore displayed to the World…absolute inability of the Republicans and the “Filthy Rich” to actually notice, let alone view or act towards, Americans as any thing even living or having sentient ability, let alone as humans, people, or individuals.


All We Have to Do Is Dream.

artistcliffjoseph.lrgrcrppdAnd as for the term “fellow Americans” often employed by Rich-publican politicos, if that thought even crossed your mind for a second as being anything but a device, you are not fully appreciating just how literally I mean for my words to be taken. You may very well, in fact, be deeply dreaming and have missed the crack in the dream state that had shone the light in the eyes of a sufficiently large segment of the world population as to cause them to come out of trance and begin to untie their formerly invisible bonds, so that they could try looking around, which led to the realization of the reality that had 82a59_Screen_shot_2011-09-17_at_11.24.16_AM_0.img_assist_customcrppdbeen blocked from view, and the beginnings of investigations into the real truths of their existence, and to this series of expositions, which delineates the actual, formerly invisible profile of the actual actors in American’s lives, and the processes of control, and the things in their lives that were determined for them by the “Filthies,” though ordinary folks thought they had been making decisions for themselves.


What The 1% Want to Do With Us

And the last aspects of this series delineates the real factors in your life and the outlines of the real intentions for our lives these puppet masters have had, and have even now in mind.


Processing the Populace

1210772262QyPKZ1Canti-tax-marcffffh-washpost1In Part One, I talked about the fifty-year Republican campaign to convince the media and the American people of certain truisms that had nothing to do with the truth, in fact were almost one-hundred percent of the time, the pile-150x150police-brutality-because-we-canopposite of the truth. It is a pretty amazing story of a campaign involving such things as getting people poorer and poorer, requiring them to work longer hours and so on so that they would have less time to think about things. It included other elements such as the way in which people’s minds were either stressed or made busy, and also the way they wore down the American people’s resolve to fight back against injustice.


clip_image009clip_image007Part Two elaborated on these parts of the campaign, which together resulted in an erosion of reason among Americans. I discussed how this erosion of reason resulted in an erosion of action as well and why this would be desirable by the societal puppet-masters. Next, I discussed the means of the manipulation—the media, the puppet strings employed by the masters.

The Great Hustle (Cool Hand Gipper)

FooledAgainimages (8)After that I talked about the way our lives were focused away from human concerns and reduced to the level of a game, contrived by the elite and which was geared toward their ends, suited to their abilities, and in which they dominated. This game was most of the time camouflaged in positive, civic sounding phrases and terminology that made it seem that it was an endeavor for the betterment of all, but I explained how it actually was played and what the motives and ends really were.


$$$ 666 The Great Religion

clip_image0102009059026Last, I bring out how even this ruse of societal welfare was ever more let go of, as the puppet-kings gained in strength and in success in converting mass minds to a belief in the dogma of the game that they controlled.

Dogma Keeping Out Pesky Saviors

Corporations-38990783278They channeled people’s inclinations away from their own priorities and from human concerns to be in alignment with the overseer’s non-humanistic, alien ones. Human concerns such as life, easing of suffering and the like were seen as silly and laughable.


And Then The Awakening

clip_image0125192217_f520As they gathered power, they became more blatant and reckless in their machinations. The game was successfully installed as the focus and preeminent value of life itself; but in this headiness of accomplishment they became complacent about their subterfuge. Reckless in their maneuvers and ever more careless in concealing it, they risked being exposed.


Nightmare Apparent

316407_1678781105641_1720941057_936999_611074974_ncrppdAspects of their self-benefiting game play and the cockiness with which they pursued them are further disclosed here in Part Three. We see how this creates a condition of such extreme suffering in the populace that stimulates them into awakening from the dream. clip_image014The matrix is glimpsed. How the masses awaken and behold in horror the shackles and blinders upon them is described beginning here and in subsequent parts of Culture War, Class War.


Parts One and Two are intended to be read before this one, but if you haven’t done so this review will gave you a platform from which to view what follows.


“Brother, I Do Not Know Thee.”

Part Three continues from the end of Part Two where I was describing how the brouhaha around Rich Santelli’s callous comment revealed a wholesale and disturbing change in American’s sensitivities toward each other and in particular a callousness about each other’s suffering. Part Three continues from here:


Foolin’ the People About History: Reagan’s Great Ruse and The Face of the Enemy, Ours

Foolin’ the People About History…Reagan’s Great Ruse and The Face of the Enemy, Ours


Foolin’ the People About History

Obvious “Truths”:

  • Reagan “saved” America.
  • Reagan saved Americans from an oppressive tax burden.
  • Reagan brought down the Iron Curtain, the Soviets, Berlin Wall.
  • In America we were far better off than the Soviets were because… We are the richest country in the world.
    • wealthier.
    • don’t have to work as hard.
    • can take better care of our children.
  • In America we only get better.

So these days you have the attitude, “A dollar laid is a dollar played”; people’s suffering is irrelevant to the game.


Reagan’s Great Ruse

We have seen a lot of change over the last five decades. And many new thoughts have become truisms that are actually not true. In the real world they’re nonsensical.


The Eighties Changed Everything…The Great Swindle.

Unfortunately they abound because of the cultural change initiated by Ronald Reagan that lowered the standard of living for everyone except for the rich who were the beneficiaries of that switch. It was the greatest shift of money upward, to the higher classes, in history, at that time. Bush in the last decade outdid him though.


The Republicans pulled off this transfer of wealth under the banner of capitalism. The huge tax cuts for the seriously rich, which was how this relocation of money was accomplished, began with Reagan. When it was proposed during the 1980 presidential race Bush the Elder called it “voodoo economics.” This was before he was invited on the ticket with Reagan.

Voodoo economics gradually brought the highest marginal rate of taxes down below thirty percent from the seventy percent it had been when Reagan took office. This should be compared with the ninety-some percent it was under Democratic and Republican presidents—Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy—in the 1940s through 1963. Reaganomics took corporate tax rates down to forty percent from the fifty percent that it had been previous to that beginning in the Forties.

Keep in mind that these were times—Forties through Sixties—when America’s economy boomed, turning the US into the wealthiest country in the world. Remember also that the last time, previous to Reagan, that marginal tax rates were below forty percent was in the Twenties, prior to the Great Depression. Not coincidentally at that same time, preceding the Depression, corporate tax rates were also at their lowest and were down in the teens. History records how well those low corporate and private marginal rates worked out. This did not stop the Reaganites from opting to repeat the previous debacle.


The Face of the Enemy, Ours

Overall, this bonanza for the rich–along with union-busting and other anti-worker practices by Reagan–had the effect of gradually lowering the standard of living for the vast majority of Americans. The result could not have been more ironic. These pro-capitalist, fervid anti-communist Republicans like Reagan and his supporters began the process that would make us mirror images of Soviet Russia in several hugely important ways.

At One Time, “Women Don’t Have to Work”; At Another, “Women Are Free to Work.”

Reaganomics brought in the two-salary family. This had been one of those major propaganda points for the anti-communists in the Fifties: We were horrified finding out that behind the Iron Curtain both parents had to have jobs to support their family. It was thrown out as one of the ways we were superior in our capitalist way of life—American wives and mothers did not have to work and were able to spend their time instead raising the children.

The anti-communist Reaganites also brought in institutional child care, for now this was needed because both parents were working. Someone had to take care of the children, and they would begin that at earlier and earlier ages.

At One Time, “Strangers Take Care of Their Kids”; At Another, “Child Care Teaches Social Skills and Enhances Multicultural Awareness.”

imageAgain, extramural child care was one of those elements of Soviet life that in the Fifties was pointed out to us disdainfully and which we were grateful not to be subject to. It would be thought inhuman, if not barbaric, for children to be cared for by strangers, while the mother was working. There was something dangerous, if not lascivious, insinuated to us by propagandists, about pre-school children not being with their mothers, not receiving her protection and love during that vulnerable and needy time, but being instead “in the hands of strangers”…(god forbid!)

But after Reagan this dreaded feature of Soviet culture became the norm in American culture as well.

So Reagan’s economic policies pushed Americans into a lower standard of living—fooling them in all kinds of ways that this was not the case—which was evident in major changes in American culture which mirrored that of the Soviets such as the virtual requirement of two-salary families and along with that the necessity of child care outside the family at earlier and earlier years. But these Soviet-like changes did not also bring with them Communist benefits of job security, free child and medical care, guaranteed lifelong support, and so on.

Continue with Culture War, Class War, Chapter Fourteen:
Better Off Than Fifty Years Ago?

Return to Culture War, Class War, Chapter Twelve: Only The Game Remains

The Rise and Fall of “Obvious Truths,”Part Two – an Audio Reading by SillyMickel Adzema

Here is an audio of the author’s impassioned reading of this part. Though it is of the first, unedited and unpolished version, and it does not contain all the detail of its current form below, it does capture the flavor of it all. I offer it here for your listening pleasure. For the reading of this part, “The Rise and Fall of ‘Obvious Truths,’ Part Two,” click on the link to the audio site above or click the link to the audio player below.
The Rise and Fall of Obvious Truths, Part 2. by SillyMickel Adzema

The Rise and Fall of “Obvious Truths,” Part Three – an Audio Reading by SillyMickel Adzema

Here is an audio of the author’s impassioned reading of this part. Though it is of the first, unedited and unpolished version, and it does not contain all the detail of its current form below, it does capture the flavor of it all. I offer it here for your listening pleasure. For the reading of this part, “The Rise and Fall of ‘Obvious Truths,’ Part Three,” click on the link to the audio site above or click the link to the audio player below.
“The Rise and Fall of ‘Obvious Truths’ Part 3”

Continue with Culture War, Class War, Chapter Fourteen:
Better Off Than Fifty Years Ago?

Return to Culture War, Class War, Chapter Twelve: Only The Game Remains

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Cool Hand Gipper (The Great Hustle) and What the 1% Would Still Have of Us: Context of The American Awakening


The Great American About Face, Part Three: American Awakening and Cool Hand Gipper—“Obvious Truths,” an Overview


“Obvious Truths” Parts One and Two Reprise

This is the third and final part in this series delineating the history of the American Republican’ incredibly disciplined, relentlessly persistent, and amazingly cohesive … seemingly coordinated … nearly fifty-year campaign to gain advantage and wealth for their benefactor corporations and the “Filthy Rich” through totally concocted untruths.


All in the Family

We are seeing here revealed the fifty-year invisible family and community that surrounded all Americans and affected every aspect of their lives, including, and intentionally, the basic components of one’s personality, and the erosion of reason, Soul, and independent thought or action.


American Awakening

clip_image002stop-coddling-the-super-rich.jpegI am showing how only because of increasingly cocky and greedy acts and extreme over-reaching “in broad daylight,” before the entire world, did this malevolent surround become visible. These brutish and thievish over-reaches displayed an incredible disregard for, disrespect of, indeed, an actual literal inability of the “Filthy Rich”—the 1%—and their Republican puppets to SEE American People, who were the recipients of these attacks. Together these reveals, displayed unintentionally however blatantly and 317486_10150357184771862_526281861_8706445_629664980_nunknowingly by the Republicans and the “Filthy Rich”… and before the entire world…disclosed to the masses of Americans some “cracks,” “stains,” or textures in the “dome” of unreality they’d existed in, which had made them blind to Reality itself, and had kept them in a near zombie-like dream reality.


“They’re so cute when they jump for their treat.”

clip_image003imfghdjagesAs this Awakening continued, some began remembering events, the memories of which had been “bleached” out of awareness until just then, and then with remembering they realized how they’d been trained like animals their entire lives for the uses, whatever they’d be, of the “Filthy Rich,” and been trained then to forget that.

“From here, they look just like ants.”

01-architect-misconceptionsIt is clear that the “filthy rich” had an absolute certainty of their success because of their unmitigated power. What is also evident is the absolute inability of the “Filthy Rich”…which was the shocking thing they’d carelessly let out and therefore displayed to the World…absolute inability of the Republicans and the “Filthy Rich” to actually notice, let alone view or act towards, Americans as any thing even living or having sentient ability, let alone as humans, people, or individuals.


All We Have to Do Is Dream.

artistcliffjoseph.lrgrcrppdAnd as for the term “fellow Americans” often employed by Rich-publican politicos, if that thought even crossed your mind for a second as being anything but a device, you are not fully appreciating just how literally I mean for my words to be taken. You may very well, in fact, be deeply dreaming and have missed the crack in the dream state that had shone the light in the eyes of a sufficiently large segment of the world population as to cause them to come out of trance and begin to untie their formerly invisible bonds, so that they could try looking around, which led to the realization of the reality that had 82a59_Screen_shot_2011-09-17_at_11.24.16_AM_0.img_assist_customcrppdbeen blocked from view, and the beginnings of investigations into the real truths of their existence, and to this series of expositions, which delineates the actual, formerly invisible profile of the actual actors in American’s lives, and the processes of control, and the things in their lives that were determined for them by the “Filthies,” though ordinary folks thought they had been making decisions for themselves.


What The 1% Want to Do With Us

And the last aspects of this series delineates the real factors in your life and the outlines of the real intentions for our lives these puppet masters have had, and have even now in mind.


Processing the Populace

1210772262QyPKZ1Canti-tax-marcffffh-washpost1In Part One, I talked about the fifty-year Republican campaign to convince the media and the American people of certain truisms that had nothing to do with the truth, in fact were almost one-hundred percent of the time, the pile-150x150police-brutality-because-we-canopposite of the truth. It is a pretty amazing story of a campaign involving such things as getting people poorer and poorer, requiring them to work longer hours and so on so that they would have less time to think about things. It included other elements such as the way in which people’s minds were either stressed or made busy, and also the way they wore down the American people’s resolve to fight back against injustice.


clip_image009clip_image007Part Two  elaborated on these parts of the campaign, which together resulted in an erosion of reason among Americans. I discussed how this erosion of reason resulted in an erosion of action as well and why this would be desirable by the societal puppet-masters. Next, I discussed the means of the manipulation—the media, the puppet strings employed by the masters.

The Great Hustle (Cool Hand Gipper)

FooledAgainimages (8)After that I talked about the way our lives were focused away from human concerns and reduced to the level of a game, contrived by the elite and which was geared toward their ends, suited to their abilities, and in which they dominated. This game was most of the time camouflaged in positive, civic sounding phrases and terminology that made it seem that it was an endeavor for the betterment of all, but I explained how it actually was played and what the motives and ends really were.


$$$ 666 The Great Religion

clip_image0102009059026Last, I bring out how even this ruse of societal welfare was ever more let go of, as the puppet-kings gained in strength and in success in converting mass minds to a belief in the dogma of the game that they controlled.

Dogma Keeping Out Pesky Saviors

Corporations-38990783278They channeled people’s inclinations away from their own priorities and from human concerns to be in alignment with the overseer’s non-humanistic, alien ones. Human concerns such as life, easing of suffering and the like were seen as silly and laughable.


And Then The Awakening

clip_image0125192217_f520As they gathered power, they became more blatant and reckless in their machinations. The game was successfully installed as the focus and preeminent value of life itself; but in this headiness of accomplishment they became complacent about their subterfuge. Reckless in their maneuvers and ever more careless in concealing it, they risked being exposed.


Nightmare Apparent

316407_1678781105641_1720941057_936999_611074974_ncrppdAspects of their self-benefiting game play and the cockiness with which they pursued them are further disclosed here in Part Three. We see how this creates a condition of such extreme suffering in the populace that stimulates them into awakening from the dream. clip_image014The matrix is glimpsed. How the masses awaken and behold in horror the shackles and blinders upon them is described beginning here and in subsequent parts of Culture War, Class War.


Parts One and Two are intended to be read before this one, but if you haven’t done so this review will gave you a platform from which to view what follows.


“Brother, I Do Not Know Thee.”

Part Three continues from the end of Part Two where I was describing how the brouhaha around Rich Santelli’s callous comment revealed a wholesale and disturbing change in American’s sensitivities toward each other and in particular a callousness about each other’s suffering. Part Three continues from here:


Continue with Foolin’ the People About History: Reagan’s Great Ruse and The Face of the Enemy, Ours

Return to Compassion = “Hippie.” Mean-Spirited = The “Real” Reality of The Game: The Great American About Face, Part 2

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Awakening Millennial Generation Occupy Global Revolution Awakening Millennial Generation Occupy Global Revolution Awakening Millennial Generation Occupy Global Revolution Awakening Millennial Gen…. (continuously updated)

From “Millennials Rising: The Next Generation” by Neil Howe and William Strauss, copyright 2000:

“While the outlook for this generation is largely positive, dangers abound, given its enormous potential power. Millennials do pose a threat to the future of this nation and the world. But if danger arrives, it won’t come from the direction today’s adults worry about–in the form of a selfish, alienated rabble of disaffected Ultra-Gen-X hyperslackers. Imagine, instead, an unstoppable mass hurtling down the track in the opposite direction…

…a cadre of young people so cohesive and so directional that, if their aspirations are thwarted, they might overwhelm the political defenses of their elders and mobilize around a risky, even destructive national agenda.

“For decades, Americans have been wishing for a youth generation that would quit talking and start doing. Now that older generations–yes, Gen X, you too–are starting to produce kids like this, a new question arises: OK, Boomers and Gen Xers, now that you’ve got them, can you handle them?

“Over the coming decade, the Oh-Ohs, this rising generation will introduce itself to the nation and push the nation into a new era. Once this new youth persona begins to focus on convention, community, and civic renewal, America will be on the brink of becoming someplace very new, very “millennial” in the fullest sense of the word. That’s when the “end of history” stops, and the beginning of a a new history, their MILLENNIAL history, starts.”


Those of us who were once 60s youth know how we scared the crap out of our parents of the World War Two Generation with our idealism and visions. And they fought us. We as adults and parents of the Millennial Generation cannot do the same to this generation that was done to us. The success of this revolution requires the alliance of the grey-haired flower radicals and the sophisticated tech-savvy youth of the Millennial Generation. The grey elders, with their wisdom, need support the clear-headed youth, with their vision. And My Generation can do this. We’ve been doing this. We’ve been good at letting the cycles of insanity stop with us. And that ability will be crucial in this struggle. The cycles of war and violence can be derailed now. And My Generation’s role will be critical. #globalrevolution #occupyearth #occupytheworld #newearth #ecocide #eco #ArabRevolution #ArabSpring #AmericanAutumn #AmericanAwakening

ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits and troublemakers – all you free spirits and pioneers – all you visionaries and non-conformists …

Everything that the establishment has told you is wrong with you
– is actually what’s right with you.

You see things others don’t. You are hardwired to change the world. Unlike 9 out of 10 people – your mind is irrepressible – and this threatens authority. You were born to be a revolutionary.

You can’t stand rules because in your heart you know there’s a better way.

You have strengths dangerous to the establishment – and it wants them eliminated, So your whole life you’ve been told your strengths were weaknesses – Now I’m telling you otherwise.

Your impulsivity is a gift – impulses are your key to the miraculous,

Your distractibility – is an artifact of your inspired creativity,

Your mood swings – reflect the natural pulse of life, they give you unstoppable energy when you’re high and deep soulful insight when you’re low,

Been diagnosed with a “disorder”? That’s society’s latest way to deny it’s own illness by pointing the finger at you. Your addictive personality is just a symptom of your vast underused capacity for heroic, creative expression and spiritual connection. your utter lack of repression, your wide eyed idealism, your unmitigated open mind – didn’t anyone ever tell you?! these are the traits shared by the greatest pioneers and visionaries and innovators, revolutionaries, procrastinators and drama queens, activists on the social scene, space cadets and mavericks, philosophers and derelicts, business suits flying fighter jets, football stars and sex addicts, celebrities with ADD, alcoholics who seek novelty, first responders – prophets and saints, mystics and change agents.

We are – all – the same – you know
‘cuz we’re all affected by the way –
We are – all – the same – you know
‘cuz we’re all attracted to the flame – You know in your heart that there’s a natural order to life, something more sovereign than any man-made rules or laws could ever express. This natural order is called “the Way.”

The Way is the eternal substrate of the cosmos. It guides the very current of time and space. The Way is known by some as the Will of God, Divine Providence, the Holy Spirit, the implicate order, the Tao, reverse-entropy, life-force, but for now we’ll simply call it “the Way.” The Way is reflected in you as the source of your inspiration, the source of your passions, your wisdom, your enthusiasm, your intuition, your spiritual fire – love. The Way takes the chaos out of the Universe and breathes life into it by reflecting divine order. The Way, when experienced by the mind, is genius, when perceived through the eyes is beauty, when felt with the senses is grace, when allowed into the heart … is love.

Most people cannot sense the Way directly. … But then there are the Wayseers. The keepers of the flame. Wayseers have an unexplainable knack for just knowing the Way. They sense it in their very being. They can’t tell you why or how they arrived at the right answer. They just know it in their core. They can’t show their work. So don’t ask. Their minds simply resonate with the Way. When the Way is present, so are they.

While others are blind to it, and society begs you to ignore it, “the Way” stirs you inside. Neurological repression blocks most people’s awareness of the Way – censoring all thoughts and impulses from the unconscious is their prefrontal cortex – the gestapo of the brain – nothing which violates its socialized programming even gets through; but your mind is different. your mind has been cracked wide open to the Way – by some miraculous genetic trait, some psychotropic chemical or maybe even by the will of your very soul, your brain’s reward pathways have been hijacked – dopamine employed to overthrow the fascist dictatorship of your prefrontal cortex – now your brain is free of repression, your mind free of censorship, your awareness exposed to the turbulent seas of the unconscious – through this open doorway divine light shines into your consciousness showing you the Way. This is what makes you a Wayseer.

90% of human civilization is populated with those who’s brains are blocked to the Way. Their brains are hardwired to enforce the social programming indoctrinated since birth. Unlike you they cannot break out of this programming, because they have not yet experienced the necessary revolution of mind. These programmed people take social institutions and rules very seriously. Society is full of games programmed to keep peoples’ minds occupied so they will not revolt. These games often cause sick fixations on peculiar protocols, power structures, taboos and domination – all subtle forms of human bondage – This distinct form of madness is not only tolerated by the masses but insisted upon. The programmed ones believe in rules so forcefully they become willing to destroy anyone who violates them.

Wayseers are the ones who call their bluff. Since Wayseer minds are free to reject social programming, Wayseers readily see social institutions for what they are – imaginary games. Wayseers comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. Helping those who are lost in these games and refuse to help themselves is a calling of many Wayseers. Since Wayseers are the ones who keep contact with the original source of reality – they are able to disrupt societal conventions and even governments to realign humanity with the Way.

The Wayseers are an ancient lineage. A kind of priesthood – carriers of the flame – ones “in the know.” There must always be Wayseers to reform the dizzying psychotic spinning gears of society – giant mindless hamster wheels obscuring the pure blue sky, keeping humanity shackled in a darkened cage – so Wayseers are called – to shed light on the madness of society – to continually resurrect the timeless transcendent Spirit of Truth –

Wayseers reveal this divine truth by devoting themselves to the birth of some creative or disruptive act expressed through art or philosophy, innovations to shake up industry, revolutions for democracy, coups that topple hypocrisy, movements of solidarity, changes that leave a legacy, rebellions against policy, spirit infused technology, moments of clarity, things that challenge barbarity, watersheds of sincerity, momentous drives for charity

We are – all – the same – you know
‘cuz we’re all affected by the way –
We are – all – the same – you know
‘cuz we’re all attracted to the flame –

This is your calling, Wayseer.
You’ve found your tribe.
Welcome home.

— The Wayseer Manifesto

there’s hope for the world

“…get out of the new one if you can’t lend a hand” – Dylan

More at –

Culture War, Class War

Apocalypse – No!

The Great Reveal by SillyMickel and the Planetmates

Wayseer Manifesto

Actual Sanity

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